Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A Box of precious Ointment': Or, fare the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and eleaion five. By good works ; fo fay all the Latine Copies, and fo fay fome Greek Copies, though not thofe that our Englifh Tranilators have been pleafed to follow, and that is the reafon why thofe words (by good norks) are not in our Englifb Bibles ; but he that shall ferioufly weigh the fcope of the Apoftle In this place, he mull of neceffity grant, that good works are to be underftood, though they are not expreit in the Text; and that of the Apoftle, in I rim. 6. 16, 17, IS. feems plainly and ftrongly to found the fame way. 2 Cor. . 14. V. !Geri on in his Book (de proba- it ione fpirituum) f,thg trkal of -its. The fecond Maxim or Confidgration SEcondly, confider, That true, found, folid marks, figns and evidences, are the beft way to prevent delufions ; there is no fuch deceit in found and 'folid evidences, as there is in fleflay joyes, and in high and firange raptures, by which many, gliPcering .-Profeffors have been fadly deceived and de- luded. Young Samuel being not acquainted with any extra- ordinary man feflations of the prefence and power of God, took the voice of God from heaven to be the voice of old Ely. NI, how many have there been in our dayes, that have taken., the irregular motions of their own hearts, and the violent workings of their own diftempered fancies,and ima- ginations, and Satanical delufions, to be the vifions of God, celefial raptures, divine breathings, and the powerful im- pulfes of the Spirit of God, and fo have been furred up to (peak, write and ail fuch things that have been, not only con- trary to the holy Word of God, but alto contrary to the very Laws of nature and Nations. Satan by transforming of himfelf into an Angel of light, hath feduced and ruined ma- ny RrofeffOrs, againfl whom, as an Angel of darknefs he could never prevail. Gerfon tells a remarkable 'tory of Sa- tans appearing to a holy man, in a molt glorious and beauti- ful manner, protecting himielf to be Chria ; and becaufe he for