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ail ii A Box of precious Ointment : Or, cy. Now mark, to fuch who are thus gracioully, thus fpiri- tually, thus divinely., merciful, do thefe precious promifes, belong, Pfal. 4.1, T. Bleffed is the man that con(idereth the poor and needy, Troy. 22. 9. He that hath a bountiful eye 'hail be bleffed, for he giveth of his bread to the poor, Prov. 14. 21 He 1 that defpifeth his neighbour finneth , but he that hath mercy on the 1 p or, happy is he, Prov. 1 i. 2.5. The liberal foul (hall be made f4t, and he that watereth fhall be watered alfo himfelf. That 2 Cora. 9. 8. is very remarkable ; And God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that ye always having 41 fufficiency inl all things, may abound to every good work. Behold, how words are here heaped up to make grace,and all grace, and all grace to abound ; and who is it to ? unto the liberal man, the mer- ciful man, Job 29. 13. The bleffing of him that was ready to pe- rifh came upon me, and 1 caufed the widows heart to ling for joy, LukE 6. 38. Give and it I hall be given unto you ; good meafure, preffed down, and fhaken together, and running over, (hall men give into your bofom. Behold and wonder at the height of thefe expreflions, that you have in this Text ; we account it good meafure when it is heaped up, but when it is heaped up and i prefled down, that's more ; but when it's heaped up and preffed down, and then heaped up and running over aaain b 1 this is as much as poffible can be made, this is as much as heart can with. 0 Sirs, thofe that are of merciful fpirits, they 'hall have mercy heaped up, preffed down, and running over ; certainly that man muff needs be in a happy and blefs- ed condition, that can be in no condition wherein he shall not have mercy, yea mercy heaped up and running over, to fupply all his necellities, Mat. z 5. 35. Come ye bleffed of my father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Come ye bleffed, that's their eflate ; receive the kingdom, that's the iffue and reward; and why fo ? I was hungry, and you gave me meat, I was thirliy, and you gave me drink, &c. But I am truly and gracioufly merciful, there- foreI am bleffed, and (hall obtain mercy, &c. But,. Thirteenthly A godly man may argue thus. They that are pure in heart, are blelfeclapd fhall fee God (that is, en- _____joil