Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

HAWKINS. 1$3 Nature of Wines commonly used in England, with a Confutation of them that hold, that Rhenish and other small Wines ought not to be drunken, either of them that have the Stone, the Rume, or other Diseases, 1568.-14. The Nature and Virtue of Triacle, 1568. -15. The rare Treasure of English Baths, 1587.-16. Arguments against the Popish Ceremonies..-He translated into English, " A Comparison between the Old Learning and the New," 1538.-And " The Palsgraves Catechism,"1572. ROBERT HAWKINS.-This zealous puritan was beneficed in London, but endured many troubles for nonconformity. In the year 1566, conformity to the habits and ceremonies being enforced with great rigour, especially in London and its vicinity, and many of the nonconformable ministers being silenced, and their friends treated with great severity, they came at length to a determination to form themselves into a separate congregation ; and they assembled together pri- vately, in various places in the city, as they found oppor- tunity. It is observed from Mr. Strype, that the refusers of the orders of the church, who by this timewere commonly called puritans, were now grown into two factions. The one was of a more quiet and peaceable demeanour, who indeed would not use the habits, nor subscribe to the ceremonies, as kneeling at the sacrament, the cross in baptism, the ring in marriage ; but held the communion of the church, and willingly and devoutly joined in the common prayer. Therewas another sort, who disliked the whole constitution of the church, charging it with many gross remainders of popery, and that it was still full of antichristian corruptions, and not to be tolerated. These separated themselves into private assemblies, meeting to- gether not in churches, but inprivate houses, where theyhad ministers of their own. They rejected wholly the Book of Common Prayer, and used a book of prayers framed at Geneva for the congregationof English exiles lately sojourn- ing there. This book had been revised and allowed by Calvin and the rest of the Geneva divines. At these private assemblies, they had not only prayers and sermons, but the Lord's supper likewise sometimes administered. This gave great offence to the queen, who issued her letters to the ecclesiastical commissioners, to this effect : " That they should move these nonconformists by gentle means to conformity, or else for their first punishment to lose their 1. The author has seen a MS. copy of this work, but is notcertain whether it was ever published.