Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

26 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. indeed, that pursuivants entered, at a late hour of tilt night, into an honest citizen's house, in Ludgate-hill ; and having used their own pleasure, in searching all places, boxes, chests, &c. in the house, they apprehended, even B. I will swear by no Bible. C. Schismatics are always clamorous. It is a perpetual note to know them by. A. Dr. Cosins saith true. Such were the Donatists of old, And such art thou, and all other schismatics, such as thou art. B. Say your pleasure. God forgive you. I am neither schismatic, nor clamorous. I only answer your demands. If you will, I will be silent. A. Well, will you lay your hand upon the Bible, and take an oath B. I use to join no creatures to the name of God, in an oath. A. Neither shall you. This is only a custom cotnmanded by law. B. The law ought not to command a wicked custom. A. Why, is it not lawful to lay your hand on a book ? B. Yes, but not in an oath. A. Will you lay your hand in my hand and swear ? B. No. A. Will youlay your hand on the table and swear. B. No. A. Will you hold up your hands towards heaven and swear ? B. That is not amiss. But I will use my liberty. A. Why, you hold it lawful to lay your handon the table and swear. B. Yes, if it be not commandedand made necessary. A. Why, the book is the same. It is no part of the oath, but a thing indifferent. B. If it be not of the oath, why do you so peremptorily enjoin it ? And if it be indifferent, as you say it is, then I do well in not usingit. A. Nay, you do not well in refusing it. For therein you shew yourself disobedient to the higher powers, set over you by God. B. You have even now said it is a thing indifferent. If it be, there is no power that can bring my liberty into bondage. A. Where find you that ? B. In I Corinthians.-Here a Testament was given him, but the arch- bishop and the others so interrupted him, that he could not find the place. A. Your divinity is like your law. B. The word of God is not the worse for my ill memory. A. You speak not as you think, for you are proud. B. I have small cause to be proud of my memory: you see the fault of it. But the apostle saith it. And you have no cause to condemn my memory, seeing you have all utterly forgotten this saying, " All things are - lawful for me, but I will not bebrought under the power of any." A. I would like it well, if you cited your place in Greek or Latin. B. Why, you understand English. Is not the word of God in English ? A. Were you of Cambridge? B. Yes, I knew you there. A. Have you read Calvin, Beza, and others ? B. I have read more than enough. Yet, I know not why I am imprisoned. A. It is reported, that you come not to church, are disobedient to her majesty, and say there is no true church in England. What say you ? have you not at any time said this ? B. These are reports. When you have produced your testimony, I will answer. A. But I will better believe you uponyour oath, than others. Hose say you ? will you answer ?