Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

LIVES OF THE PURITANS. since presented by a citizen of London to King James and the high court of parliament then sitting, I allow to be reprinted ; and so to some of Saltmarsh's books, Smoak in the Temple ; Groans for Liberty ; Reasons for Unity ; Love and Peace. In the reprinting Busher's book for general toleration, he made some material alterations, and wrote in the margins of such places in the book where some special passages were for toleration, that they should be printed in a larger letter, no, doubt that the reader might better observe them." This intolerant author also adds : to John Batchelor treads in the steps of some licensers who went before him. The man hath justified and acquitted the former licensers, Dr. Baker, Dr. Bray, Dr. Hayward, Dr. Weeks, and the rest of that race, who, in the point of licensing, were saints to him. He hath licensed such books and things, that I am confident none of them durst have done, for fear the people would have risen up and torn them in pieces ; and certainly the people would never have borne with such books in the bishops' days. If any man, before the sitting of this parliament, had written or licensed such books, he Would without doubt have been questioned and proceeded against by this parliament. This Batchelor is such a des- perate licenser, that nothing now in that kind can stick with him, having swallowed down those wicked Queries' upon the ordinance against heresies and blasphemies ; and," says my author, " I am afraid that, if the devil himself should make a book, and give it the title, A Plea for Liberty of Conscience, with certain Reasons against Persecution for Religion,' and bring it to Mr. Batchelor, he would license it, not only with a bare imprimatur, but set before it the commendations of a useful treatise, a sweet and excellent book, making for love and peace amongbrethren.". Such are the reproaches cast upon our divine, who was greatly celebrated for christian moderation, liberty of con- science, and free inquiry. He was living in 1646; but where he preached, or when he died, we have not been able to ascertain. Jolot GREENE had a principal hand in raising a baptist congregation in Crutched-friars, London, in the year 1639, and was chosen to the office of minister.+ He was by trade Edwards's Gangrasna, part iii. p. 102-105, 1 Crosby's Baptists, vol. iii. p. 26, 42.