Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v3

504 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. THOMAS GRESHOP, A. M. was educated in All-Souls college, Oxford ; a nonconformist of great learning and piety in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; and a most loyal subject under her majesty's government. In the days of Edward VI. he went as chaplain in the army of Lord Gray of Wilton, in his expedition against the Scotch rebels.. He translated into English, " A Treatise concerning a Declara- tion of the Pope's usurped Primacy ;" written in Greek, above 800 years ago, by Nilus, archbishop of Thessalonica. JAMES ROSIER was vicar of Winston in Norfolk, but a zealous nonconformist to the ecclesiastical ceremonies, par- ticularly in refusing to wear the surplice. Though he was willing to conform in all points as far as the word of God allowed, he was, in the year 1573, suspended from his minis- terial exercise.t DR. PENNY was a puritan minister of considerable emi- nence and popularity in London. In 1565 he was appointed by the lord mayor to be one of the preachers at the Spital the following Easter; which no sooner came to the ears of Archbishop Parker than he put a stop to it, on account of his nonconformity. He is, nevertheless, included in the list of peaceable nonconformists, who are said to have been gently treated, and were favoured with a license, or a connivance, .to preach and hold ecclesiastical preferments. He after- wards gave up the ministry and turned physician, most pro- bably on account of the oppressions of the times. He was living in the year 1573.t One Thomas Penny united with several others, in addressing a letter, in 1577, to the cele- brated Mr. Cartwright, in which they declare their firmness in the cause of nonconformity ; but whether this was the same person we cannot learn.4 MR. SPARROW was a puritan divine of considerable emi- nence ; but in the year 1573 was apprehended and carried first before the council, then the high commission. Being. examined about Mr. Cartwright'sopinions, and not answer- ing' to the satisfaction of his spiritual inquisitors, he was MS. Chronology, vol. ii. p. 373. (8.) + Strype's Parker, p. 452. Ibid. p. 213, 243, 414. See Art. Gawton.