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93 7uflif. by the Tmput. of Ch.Rrght. cleared from the Pá.r. C H A P. g, not for the foie Imputation of Chriíts active obedience, but for the Impu- tation of Chriffs whole Surety- Righreoufnefs,that is,His compleet obedience & Suffering , or of what He did & fuffered in arifwering all the demands of the law , which we were lying under. Except. 4. Many found dr able expofrtors arefor this fertfe.; umderflanding no thing by this , but our;uftífication, or righteous malifig by Him; feme placeing this juflificationinRetniflion offìns; form afcribingrtto the SufferingsofChrift. Anf. We could alfa cite found & able expofitors for our fence , & bring -in betide the, general Verdi 6.t of fuck, as write againft Socinians, & Papijir & others alfo : but this is not our prcfent work. (z.) Tuff ification & Righteous- making are not one & the fame. If we bs.made righteous by Him , it multi be by His Righteoufnefs : ani if weWriade righteous by His Righ- beoufnefs , it muff be imputed to us. (3) That juflification is nothing' but. Remiflion of fins, is not yet proved. (4.) We have heard Paulfay, That by the obedience of one (i. e. Chrift ) (in oppofition to the difobedience of Adam , whereby all his pofferity wet made (inners) many are made righ- teous , Rem.5: 19. Ninthly , z Cor. 5:2/. For he hath made Him to be fin for ur , who knew no fin, that we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in Him. This is added , as a con- firmation and further explication of what was Paid , vers i 8,r9. Concerning the recc nciliation of a finful world unto God, in & through Chriff, and of God's,mputing their Trefpafres unto them. As if he had laid , all our Sal- vation, & all the way how it is brought about, is of God, who , in and through Chrift, reconcileth the finfull world of His own chofen ones to Him - -felf, and Pardoneth their finites, by laying them all on Chriff, & making Him bear the guilt and punishment of all ; that the chofen ones might be made partakers of that Righteoufnefs , and have it imputed unto them, as their fnnes were imputed unto Chrift ; and fo become the Righteouf- nefs of God in Him or by being in Him, and united to Him. This place is pregnant and full of proof: fo that the wholematter cannot be more dearly & emphatically expreffed , than it is here held forth. Yet Mr. Geedwine la- boureth to darken it with his Exceptions, Fag. r 64. &e. let us hear him. Except. I. Here isnothingfaid, touching any Imputation of our fins to Chrift: ¢? confequently here can be nothing to build a reciprocal Imputation of His righ- reoufnefs unto us upon. Anf. If that Expreffion of Gods making Chrift to be fin who knew no fin, & that for us, will not enforce an imputation ofourfìnnes to Chrifl, it muff befoonlywithfuch, as will hold fait their opinion, let Scripture fpeak what it will to the contrary : for when it is laid, that Chrifl-, who knew no fin , i. e. was guilty of no fin, by committing of it, in thought, word or deed ; was yet made fin by. God & that for us, what words can be imagined, that shall more emphatically exprefs this Imputation,? And the Greek commentators (whom our adverfary doth oft cite, when he findeth it any thing to his advantage y give the meaning to be, That he was made á great fanner , d5' was handled, as if he had been the worfi of fanners , even very wickednefs it f lf,. And Efaias rels us, Chap. 53: 6. That the Lord laid all our iniittitier on Him or caufed them to meet is one upon Him.. And_nothing can