Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

I 00 Some Arg. for Imput. of Ch: Right. Vindicated. C H A i'. I 0. is formally made Righteous , is aIwayes a mans own by donation& PoJJ'rf on. An f: (I) When a man is juftified by the merite of the Righteoufnefs or another, that Righteoufnefs of the other mutt be imputed to the juttified perfon ; or we have no other Imputation , than what, Socinians yeeld to (2.) If the righteoufnefs , whereby one is formally ju(fified,be his owne by donation & poffeft'ion , & no other potfeflion be thereunto reguifite, then we may be faid CO be formally juftified by the righteoufnefs of Chrift : for we affirme, that Beleevers are poffeffed thereof by Gods free donation and Imputation: & thus the whole is granted ; for nothwithftanding hereof, that fame righ- teoufnefs, which is made over to the Beleever , by free donation & Impu- tation , is Chrifts Inherently , & fo is the righteoufnefs of another. Where- by we fee , that the members of this diftinEtion thus explained , are not dif- ferent. Yet , we muff not think, that this righteoufnefs of Chritt is fo given CO us , as that it is inherent in us , & wrought in us, as Faith & Repentance are : for even Remiffion of Clones, whereby he will have us formally jufti- fied , is not foin us , as Faith and Repentance are in us : And: through Gods Imputation and Donation, the righteoufnefs ofChritt may be the Beleevers, when it is.received by faith as well as Rerniflìon of alines : for , to (peak in his own language, that which is given unto man by God , may truely and properly be called his own. (3) That retnifïion of fins is formal. jollification, will never be proved : and feing he will have Remifiìon of fins to be the pure EffeEt of Chrills Sufferings and death; fo muff juftification be: and then , why faith the Apottle , IZom. 4: 25.. Who was delivered (vat, to Sufferings and death) for our offences , and railed againe for our jujlifica- tion ? Arg.3. IFBeleevers have a true and real communion with Chrift,then is his Righteoufnefs theirs by imputation. But the former is True, &c. It may be,he propofeth the Argument, in fuch a mode & way , as may be molt to His own advantage; for who argueth thus , he nameth nor. Yet it is true, that the Union , which beleevers have with Chritt , is the ground of their communion with Him in all things, which He was made or God to be for them , & which their neceffity called for; among which His whole Surety - righteoufnefs Both challenge a chiefe place. Nor would I argue from the Union & communion in general ; but from fuch a particular Union and communion , as is darkly shadowed forth unto us in the Scriptures, by Bich and fuch fi,mil,itudes;. loch as the Union betwixt Man and Wife; who are one flesh , as Chrilt and Beleevers are one Spirit; as the Union be- twixt the principal debtor and the Cautioner ; and betwixt the publick Head and Reprefentative', and the Members reprefented ; as betwixt the Redeemer and the Redeemed and the like. And to argue from Inch an Union for Inch a peculiar end, to fuch a communion ; as we here plead for,. may ttaud against all his Exceptions, pag. 195. &c. Which are thefe fol- lowing. Except i. 1he Major wants truth, becaufe a true and real communion with Chrijl may fland, without His afhzve obedience being made theirs by Imputation. There is a real Union and communion between the bead and the feet , an the f ame ltiattt-