Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

CHAP. Io. Some Arg. forImput. of Ck. Right. Vindicated. , 99 Righteoufnefs 'if is every way able to bear us out in judgment. An[. Remilïinn of fins neither is, nor can be called righteoufnefs ; for a.pardoned perfon is not the fame with one , that bath kept the law : though by vertue of this par- don, he is freed from the punishment , due to the tranfgreflours of the law; yet bath he no right to the reward, promifed to the keepers of the law. (2) Remifl'ion of fins being the purchafe of Chrifts death & Sufferings , can- not be had without the Imputation of the death & Sufferings of Chrift unto the Beleever & fo hereby one halfe of the truth muff be granted. But His Sufferings & Obedience going together & both making up one Mediatory, & Surety - righteoufnefs, performed by Chriftin His eftate of humiliation, both molt be Imputed , & made over to the Beleever , to the end he may re- ceive pardon ,& right to Glory. Arg. 2. He that is juftified by the Righteoufnefs of another , and not by his own mutt needs be luftified by the righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed ; becaufe there is no righteoufnefs to be found in any other , for the juftification of a perfon, in the fight of God. But every man, that is juftified,is j uttified by the righteoufnefs of another and not by his own. Ergo , &c. He excepteth t. The Major is fal fe, becaufe the pajrve obedience of Chrifl is the Righteoufnefs of another : and men may be d7 are throughly d? fully jufhfied by the merite be? eof, communicated to them in the free pardon of their fanner ; and fo need not the imputation of His atu ive obedience. Anf. (i) We plead not for the foie _mptitation of ChriltsaCtive obedience ; but for the Imputation of all, that He did and fuffered,for & in the room & Read of His owne. (2) Where are Chrifts meet Sufferings , as diftinguished from His obedience , called a righteoufnefs? or how can meer Sufferings , as fuch , or bearing of the pu- nishment threatened by thelaw, be called a righteoufnefs ? doth not righ- teoufnefs denotéthe conformity of a6tions unto the law ? (3) When it is faid , the merite of Chrifts paflive obedienceis communicated unto us, the meaning muff be one of thefe two ; either that it felf is properly made over imputed to us; or onely in its effect, free pardon offinnes. if this latter be raid, Then no other Imputation is granted , than what Socinians will yeeld unto : & how can it be faid to be Imputed, as to its Effe'dts , when it felf is not Imputed , in order to the partaking of thefe effects ? Ifthe formerbe faid, then there is fomething , that is in it felfimpúted,& not meetly in its EffeEts. And if Chrifts Pafïìons & Sufferings be imputed , abftrafted from His righ- teoufnefs & Adtive obediences they shall be juftified without a righteoufnefs. And it neither is , nor ever will be proved , that pardon of firmes is the whale of juftification ; or that a pardoned man is, eó ipfo, that he is par- doned, a righteous man;. or that a pardoned mail , meetly as fuch bath right to the recompence of reward , promifed to the fulfiller of the law. 1 Except 2. to the Minor , A man maybe Paid ( faith he) to be ju f!i fled by the Righteoufnefs of another, and not by his own, ina double fenfe, Either t. by Iva of merite ; and then it is true, that every one is juffi fled by the Righteoufnefs of another , that is`, by the merite of the righteoufnefs of another , or 2, by way of forme; & fo it is altogether untrue; forithatRighteoufnefs, where with a man N2 is