Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

¡4g Mr. Goodwin's Arg. agAinff Imput, am iered, C H A P. t 2. to them unto ju Jlification. But fuch is the Obedience , that ChrJl pet fur»,ed unto the Moral Law. Therefore &c. Anf. (t.) We plead not only for toe Imputa- tion of Chrift's Obedience to the Moral Law ; but for the imputation of His whole Surety Righteoufnefs, that is , of all He both did & Suffered, as the, defigned & appointed Surety. (i ) This Argun). though it be levelled only` againft the Imputation of Chrift's Obedience ; yet it equally wageth warte againft the Imputation of His Sufferings : for as to the Satisfaction & pay- ment of the old Covenant,or His Suffering of death,it may be alto Paid. The payment öf the penalty mu(tbe fuch , as they, for..,whomlit -was laid down, were otherwife lyictg under , & under a neceflìty to pay it themfelves. But Chrift's death & payment was nor Inch ; for He did not fuffer the fa r,e, as to duration , nor as to concomitant defpaire , &other evils, that would necef farily attend the fame in Man , & cloth attend it in the damned. 'Which confideration is enough to render this Argument fufpected of falshood , un- to alI {uch , as are not bred in the School of Socinur. Let us fee, how he confirmeth this Argum. & particularly the firfl propeff- tion thereof. Becaufe ( faith he) a compleat legal righteournefr reemireth a pun. tual through- obedience unto all things in the Law , in reference to each mans place if Calling. Anf. But we may diftinguish the prdpofition thus. That righ- teoufrtefs , which will not furnish all beleevers with every fpecifick & indi. vidual act of obedience , which is required of them , in their places & Sta- tions , i. e. Is not made upof, nor exprefly&r'e plicitly compréhendeth in it all thefe particular Ads , fpecifically & numerically conlidered , cannot be imputed unto them in juftification 3 It is falte in this fenfe. But if it be thus taken. That righreoufnefs which neither did comprehend in it , nor was made up Of every fpecifick & numerical Act, required ofthem, nor yet was infinitly tranfcending & exceeding the obedience of all men what - fomever, in all their diftin& and particular occauions , Relations', places,. & Callings, & brought more glory untaGod , the Law- giver, and was a fuller proclamation of the holinefsof the Law and of the Law -maker, and acknowledgment of His A.utho icy ; and with which the great Rector of the world and Law-giver was fully fatisfiedin all points , cannot be imputed ; in this knfe it may be granted. But then the Minor is l;alpably falle; and fa the ConcluJron is null. And as to the firtt fenfe , or branch of the diftinélion S. it is no *ray touched, let be weakened by the confirmation mentioned , as every one may fee. . And fo the Argument is null. And as for the ground & relevancy of the diftinEt on , it is clear from what is Paid , touching the Sufferings of Chrift ; fo that it can be denied by none , who are not profef- fed Soci,rianr. To confirme the Minor, he tels usof duties of Servants, Mailers, hie; bands wives, judger &e. Anf. The diftinCtion given maketh all this ufelets, and to-fro purpofe. Chrift obeyed perfectly the fame Law we were lying un- der, & that as made tinder the Law, and as willingly fuhjecting himfelf thereunto, in our room and ¡lead , as Surety and Sponfor ; and this obe- dienceof His wasfill, perfect &nd Compleati, for He fulfilled all righte .414t. . oufnefs. 3: 15. He was dureing His life; holy,. harmelefs, undo- filed,.