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C x A P. I Z. Mr. Goodwin's Ark againft imput. an fwered, i 8 r nifhment : which is all we delire for hence it appeareth , that all finned in that one Adam, as well ,. as they were all punilhed in him. Then he tels us, that all thefe three are jointly intimat R.m. 5: I2. Whe- re firfI there it the demerito , Imported, when death is faid ro enter ; dT the fcantinefs of Adam's perfon , when it it faid, to have paffed upon all men ; & the relation of his pofterity to him , in that all are faid to have fin- ned in him. Anf. But the maine thing , which he denieth, is there alfo im- ported , wl en it is faid , that all men finned in him , or became guilty of his fin : for thereby it is manife(t, that only they had an intereft in his perfon, but that they had fuck an Intereft in & relation to his perfon , as fo Rated & as Itanding in a Covenant - relation to God , that they finned in him , or became guilty of his fin , & therefore fuffered with him the demerite there of. Whence it is evident ( howbeit he feetneth confident of the contrary pag. 207. ) That the Imputation of Adam's fin or of his finful Act as finful, or as it was a fin ; & not of the at as filch ( for that himfelf faith once & a- gaine, was directly & efficiently from God himfelf, & therefore was good) is the ground, or caufe ofpunifhmenr, that cometh on his pofterity. But he faith pag. 208. If any Imputation be in this cafe , it it of every mane own fin , in Adam ; for is was Adam alone that finned , but all finned in him It is not Paid, that Adam's fin is Imputed to his pofterity ; but rather that hie pofterity themfelvesfinned in Adam. Anf. If he wil ftand to this, we need not contend with him , about the word , Impute ; this expreflion of Scri- pture comprehending & plainely holding forth all that we would fay. And if he will grant as much , in reference to the Imputation of Chrift's Righ teoufnefs, as is here Paid of Adam, who was the type of him that was to co- me, he muff, I judge, retrait all that he hath faid, againft the fame. What followeth in that Chapter , being but founded Upon what is alrea- dy mentioned & examined, needeth not here againe be repeated or expref fed , & confidered. Thus we have taken notice of all , which this voluminous Adverfary bath faid , upon this matter, both againft the Truth, & for his own Errour & no doubt , he bath fcraped together all that he could finde, giving any feeming contribution unto the Notion,' which he hugged; & hath labou- red after his ufual manner , to fet of with a more than ordinary meafure of confidence, & with an affected pedantrie of language, fupplying, with bombast expreffions, the want of reality of truth & folidity ofreafoning. What remaineth in that book , concerning the Imputation of faith , in op- pofition to the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Ch rift (hall be examined when we come to the fecond part of our Text , & to (peak of the matter of jnftification. And as for other things, we may take notice of them elfewhere. 2 CHAP.