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Pag. z C H A. P. XIII. M. Baxter's opinion, Concerning Imputation, examined. THere being fo frequent mention made , in Scripture , of Imputation of Righteoufnefs ; or of Righteoufnefs Imputed ; & of Chrif's being'our Righteoufnefs ; or of our being Righteoufnefs, or Righteous in Him, & the like, many , that even plead much againft the Dotîrine of the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, maintained by the orthodox , mutt yet yeeld to it, in fome fenfe or other ; at leaft in fuch a fenfe , as may , in their ap- prehenfions , not, crofs their other Hypothefes & Dogmes : Yea & fomerimes grant this Imputation in that fenfe at leaft in words , which overthroweth or weakeneth all their Difputations to the contrary. Schlightingius , in de- fence of Socinus againft Meifnerus pag. 25o. will grant , That Ch rift's Righ- teoufnefs may be called dT accounted ours , in fo far r as it redoundeth to our good d5 ritihteoufnefs , dr is the caufe of our jufli fication. And Bellarmin, will alfo fay ( de jut?. lib. 2. cap. io. ) That Chrifl is faid to be our Righteoufnefs, becaufe He fatis fled the father for us; d?' fo giveth d." communicateth that Satisfaítion to ns, when He juflifieth us, tbat it'may be faid to be our Satisfatiien e Ri h- teoufnefs. , Mr. Baxter, though he feemeth not fatiffied with what is commonly held by the Orthodox anent the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift; yet will not profetìe himfelf an Enernie to all Imputation ; but on the contrary, faith he ovvneth it in a right fenfe : And it is true , men have their own liberty , in expreffing their fenfe & meaning of Truths ; & where there feemeth to be force confiderable difference , as to words & exprefíìons ; yet there may be little, or none upon the matter. And it is not good, I confefs, to make real differences ofthefe, that are but verbal ; nor is it good to be fo tenacious of our own exprePîons , as to exaggerat the expref ions of others; whafe me.aniugmay be good, becaufe not complying.with our own, in all points, Let us therefore enquire after Mr. Baxter's fenfe , & feej wherein he really differeth from us-, in this matter. In his lare Treatifè ofjuffifying Righ- teoufnefs- againft D. Tully. The firft part (as the Title page fheweth ) is of Imputed Righteoufnefs opening it defending the true Senfe , d confuting the fai- fe. Here then belike we (hall finde his meaning, as to this queftion. In his preface to this book, he giveth us his fenfe , in thefe words , That Righteoufnefs is imputed to us, that is , we are accounted Right eous, becaufe for the merites of Chrifi's total fulfu!ling the conditions ofhis Mediatorial Covenant with the Father, by His Habitual Holinefs, His Actual perfea Obedience, d,^' His Sacrifee ;; o7; Satisfactory Suffering far ow funs , in our Read , freely without any anerite, or conditional act of mans, God bath made an gat of oblivion der Deed of Gift, pardoning all fin, juflifying dT Adapting dT giving Right to the Spirit If Life