Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C it A P. r 3. Mr. Baxter's opinion 4 bout Ifn put. examined. a3 Life eternally to every one , that beleevingh accepteth Chrifi , d?' the gifts with , d? by ; d9` from Him ; & when we accept them , they are all ours by vertue of this purchaJed Covenant -gift. But this, I Judge, cannot give fatisfaEtion, for upon the grant of that Ad of Oblividn , ( as he calleth it ) which , in his judgment , is extended to all Mankind , no man in particular can be cal- led or accounted Righteous , or have Righteoufnefs imputed to him , mo- re than another ; & fo upon this account , all are equally Righteous , & have equally Chríft's Righteoufnefs imputed to them , that is , no man bath ir. As for thefe Effets , pardon , juftification , Adoption , & Right to the Spirit & to Life, they cannot be called the Righteoufnefs of Chrifi ; no more than the Effec`i can be called the caufe : And though they become ours, when we accept them , or rather when we accept of Chrift; yet upon that account meerly , it can not be faid that the Righteoufnefs of Ch rift is im- puted to us , & no otherwayes : for that is nothing but the Socinian Con - cefïïon formerly mentioned , & it cannot Satisfie the orthodox. The que- ftin is about the Imputation ofChrift's Righteoufnefs, & the Anfwer given is concerning the Effeéts thereof given to us; But thefe EffeEts are not the Righteoufnefs of Chrift; nor are they to be called a Righteoufnefs ; nor are they in Scripture fo called , unlefs we fay with Soh. Goodwin, t hat ljighteouf nefr Imputed is nothing but free juf i f eation. Yea thefe Effeéts muff prefuppofe a Righteoufnefs in the perfons receiving them , either Inherently , or by way of Imputation : for God will juftifie no man , or declare no man to be Righteous , who is not Righteous And concerning this Righteoufnefs is our queftion : And Mr. Baxter giveth us nothing here for this, unlefs it be our beleeving : & this is that which Servetur, Socinians & Arminian; fay. In oppofrtion to this, which he calleth a fhort dT plaine explication of Chri- flianìty , he fetteth down what others fay , as neceifary to go in to our Chri- ftianity; & fo tels us , that according to them , we mutt fay , That Chrifi was habitually dr,aElut7lly perfeElly Fitly hr obedient , imputatively in our particu- lar perfònr ; & that$ each one of at did. perfeElly fulfill that Law , which requi- reth perfeél habites & ails in and by Chrifl imputatively; and yet did alfo in e by him fuf r ourfelves imputatively for not fulfilling it, &imputatively did ourfel- ves both fatis fie God's juflice . and merite heaven; and that we have ourfelves im- putatively a Righteoufnefs of Perfea holinefs & obedience , as finlefs; & mull be juflified by the Law of Innocency , or works ,' as having ourfelves imputatively ful- filled it in Chrifi. And that this is our fole- righteoufnefs: ¿that faith it [elf as not imputed to us for Righteoufnefs, no not a Meer particular fubordinat R,ighteoufnef, anfwering the conditional part of the new juliifying Covenant,. at necefary to our participation of Chrifl, d5 His freely given R.ighteoufne(s. As touching the lat- ter part of this difcourfe, about the Imputation of Faith, & its being cal- led our particular fubordinat Righteoufnefs, it is true, Several of the Or- thodox have appeared againft it , & we fhall allo (peak our judgment of it hereafter. But as to the former part ( which is only pertinent to our pur po fe now in hand) I know not if ever any Orthodox perfon uttered his min efe, after this manner : Yea , I wore not, if Antinomians themfelves have at any time expreffed themfelves, in all points) as is here fey down. But Y 3 be i:r. r