Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

I,t Mr.1axter's opinion about Imput, examined, C H A P. 13. dically ? and did He not reprefent and ftand in the room of (inners , as their Political Head & Reprefentative ? Thefe things can not be handfomly, with any fhew of reafon , contradicted, or denied. Nay , himfelfaddeth (n. 17. rag. 56. ) that Chrijt fuffered in the place -d?' flead of (inners , that they might be dolivered, though in the Perfonofa Sponfor. Whence we fee that though He fuffered in the perfon of a Sponfor, Phyfcally taken; Yet He fuffered in the perfon of others , Politically & legally , becaufe He fuffered as a Spon- for , in their Bead , that they might certainely & eventually be delivered, & not poffibly only. But then (n. i$.) he cometh to an Accomodation , laying, When we are agreed that the perfon of the Sponfor dT ofevery particular fanner are diverfe (if the word Perfon be here underftood in a Phyfical, or Numerical fenfe, & the word finners be underftood of the Elect only , I agree ) and that Chrifl had not fuffered, if we had not finned: ( true ) e that heasaSponfer, fuffered in our faad, fo bore the punifhment; which not He, but we dejerved ( adde allo, d? obeyed, & I agree : If any will here , in (lead ofa Mediator , or Sponfor, call Him our keprefentative, d? fay, that Hefuffered even in all our perfon; reputati- 'rely, not fìtr,pliciter , but- fecundum quid , e in tantum only that is not YepreJenting our perfon; f mply d? in all refpeas , if to all ends , but only Jo far at to be a Sacrifice for our fins , and Puffer on our place and 'lead, what He f irffered, we take this to be but lis de nomine. And why is not His obeying alfo added ? But againe if He fuffered , as a Mediator & Sponfor , in our place & ftead, He mutt needs have been our Political-Reprefentative , according as we ufe to fpeak and underffand thefe tel mes & fo muff have fuffered in allour per - fons reputatively, fo far as was neceffary ro our Redemption & Salvation; & ror more we enquire not. And feing this is what the orthodox alert, Mr. Baxter is much to be blamed , for troubling the church fo long by his oppofi- lion hereunto , & his own new Notions. He proceedeth (n. 19.) Chrifl did not fuffer, fírittly, fmply, abfolutly, In the perfon of any one Elea (inner, much left in the millions of Perjons of them all in Law -fenfe, or in God's efteem ; God dit not efleem Chilli to be, Naturally , or as an abfolute R.eprefenter ,Savid , Manaf eh , Paul , d? every fuch otherfanner, but only a Mediator , that fuffered in their 'lead. Anf. Till we underftand what is meant by thefe termes, Strickly, Simply & Abfolutly, we cannot know well what to fay to this. We grant, He fuffered in the perfon of no Ele& fin- ner, fo as to become David, Manaffeh &c. Yet, when He fuffered in their Dead , as Mediator & Surety both in .Law -fenfe , & in God's efteem, He did reprefent them ; & did & fuffered what He did & fuffered as a Surety for them , & as reprefenting their Perlons, in a Law-fenfe & Politically, limply & abfolutely, to all ends neceffary for their Redemption & Sal- vation. He addeth (n. zo.) God did make Chrift to be finfor us , that is, a Sacrifice for our fins, dT one that by man was reputed d? by God d? Man was ufed , as'in- ners are & dejerve to be. An f. Ch rift could not be made a Sacrificetor fin , till He had the guilt of fin laid upon Him by Imputation, as the Sacrifices of old had typically. His being reputed fuch, & hapdled as fuch by man, is of no confidera-