Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

I C If A P. 13. Mr. Baxter's opinion a bout Tttput. examined, 193 confederation here : And by God He could not be ufed , as a firmer , or as inners are & deferve to be , unlefs our fins had been find caufed to meet upon Him , & imputed to Him, to the end , He might properly be faid to Suffer become a Sacrifice for fn. We fay with him ( n. z3. ) that God did not fup- pofe cr repute Chrif to have committed all , or any of the fins , which we all corn - mitted; Nor to have had all the tviol<ednefr in Hir Nature which war in ours; nor to have deferved what we did deferve ; nor did in thir proper fenfe impute ourfins. to Chrifi. For indeed this had not beenin a properfenfe , to impute our fins to Him, but plainly to confound His Phyfìcal perfon with ours ; & to fpeak thus , I fhould account to be horrid blafphemy : Yet it may be & muff be faid , that Ch l ift , being made fin for us , & made to fuller for fin , in the room of (inners, had their fins laid upon Him ; & fo , was a (inner, not Inherently but legally by Imputation ; that is , had the guilt of our fins, in order to punifhment , imputed to Him , & He put to fuffer for that guilt, or becaufe a firmer by Imputation. And when the Scripture faith , that God made Chrift fn for ur 2 Cor. 5: 21. & Laid on tlimthe iniquity of us all , Efai. 6. It is as emphatick & to me more ás tó fa God did impu- te 5S P ( ) y, P o our fin to Chrift , which he force -way excepteth again{} ( n. 23.pag. 57.) He adderh ( n. 26. pag. 5 8. ) Though Chri ft fuffered in our Bead , and in a large fence, tocertainetites, and in fomerefpeíts, as the IZeprefenter, or in the perfons of Sinners : yet did He not fo far reprefent their perfons , in His habitual Holinefr and urinal obedience , (no not in the obedience of His Suffering) as He did in the Suffering it felf.. He obeyed not in the perfon of a finner , much lefr of millions of 'inners , which were to fay , in the perfon of finnerr, he never finned. He fuffered to fave us from fuffering; but He obeyed not to Jaye us from obeying, but to bring us to obedience: yet His perfeEEion of obedience had this end , that per - feEt obedience might not be ' ecefary in us to our jufii fcation and Salvation. Anf. Seing Chrift was appointed Mediator & Sponfor to take on mans debt and come in his Law- place, what reafon can be given , why He should not , as well be faid to reprefent them , in the paying of the one part of that debt as in the paying of the other ? We were under the Law and obliged to per. - forme perfeä obedience , in order to the obtaining of the reward promifed;. and becaufe of fin we were under the Curie. Now when the Surety came to pay our whole debt , He did as much , and as well reprefent us, in paying of and in performing obedience , as in Suffering. And why may we not fay, that He obeyed in the juridical and Law - perfon of a (inner , as well as that He fuffered ? Though I should not ufe fuch improper and un- ufual expreffions , as Mr. Baxter here doth; yet I muff tell him, That ChriíI's obeying in the perfon of a fenner, faith no more than that, He being the perfon reprefenting finners, His obeying was and is repute, in Law- ionic, their obeying. He Suffered , it is true, to fave us from fuffering of the Curie of the Law; But Mr. Baxter will not fay, that He fuffered to fave us from all Suffering: He obeyed, it is true , to bring us to obedience, as He died alto for that end , that we might haue the Sanctifying Spirit heflow- ed upon us : yet notwithftanding He obeyed to fave us from obeying vit. after that manner, that we were obliged to obey under the old Covenant , that