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to Dangerous expreJons to be avoided. C H n p 3, pal Righteoufnefs; fo it will have this faire & plaufible ground to do fo, to wit , That upon our own Righteoufnefs, we are Irnmediatly accepted of God , as Righteous ; efpecially when the Merits of Curia are made fub- fervient unto our perfonal Righteoufnefs, as procuring the New covenant; & that therein our Perfonal Righteoufnefs fhall be accepted , & accounted pet-fed & compl,eet, though it be not fo in it felf, & we thereupon, im- mediatly juflified , & accepted of God , as Righteous; as they love -to. (peak , who alert thefe things. ti. Though faith be indeed the mean of our juflifcation, that is , the onely thing required of us, in order to our Intereft in Chrift , & aEtual par- ticipation of the benefices of His Redemption, & of juftification in the firf} place , according to the Gofpel rnethode : Yet it is too favourable to proud Self, to call it inch a Condition, as bath a far more dangerous Import That is , (z.) To call it a Condition, & withaildeny, that it is atiinírumenta Caufe, or that it is robe confidered , in the matter ofjuftification, as it laith hold ou Chrilt, & His Righteoufnefs. (z.) To fay,, that the very ad of faith , or the T: credere is imputed for Righteoufnefs; & that Paul is to be fo under food Korn. 4. as fpeaking properly, & not metonymically (3.) To fay , that this is the Righteoufnefs, which is imputed to us , in order to jttflification & not the Righteoufnefs of Ch rift , except as to its Rtfeds, in refped of forme whereof, Yea the chiefe & only immediat , it is equally Imputed mall, Reprobar, ás wellas Elect. (4.) To fay, that this faith is our Gofpel - Righteoufnefs, & becaufe a Righteoufnefs, is perfect, &ade- quate to the Rule of the New Covenant. (ç.) To fay , that this faith bath the fame place & confideration , & confequently the fame force & effi- cacy, in the New Covenant, that perfeQ obedience had in the Old Co- venant with Adam. (G) To fay, that Chrift hath purchafed the New Co- venant, & that this (hall be the condition of perfons partaking of the bene- fites thereof & withal) (7.) To fay, that Chrifthath.died for all, &by his death made Satiffa bon to juftice for the breach of the Law; & fo purchafed freedom from the Curfe or the Law to all , equally, at leaff con- ditionally ; whereby it is apparent , that ali are pa; ara f acu quo prius, in the flate, they were once in , & that equally ; & now have new conditions pro- pofed unto them, which, if thcv performe, they are righteous, & upon that performance are freed from the Curie, & made heirs of Glory: and thus the New Covenant is of the fame Nature & kinde with the Old, only its Conditions are a little altered, & made more eafie; & their Per- formance of the condition mutt -have a meite with ix, at leaft 'ex patio, though not ex condigno; as neither Adam's Perfect obedience could have had. And of this condition in this cafe, may reflect upon their own deed, & lay their weight on it, &, it being their Righteouf- nefs may plead upon it, as their immediar ground of right, before God, unto luaificarion , & Acceptance. Let any man now confider thefe things, & fee whether or not , the aferring of faiths being inch a condition, as this be not a plaine gratification of proud Self, & the lading down a ground for waine man to boati,, & of glorying , though not - before God, yet before others;