Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A r. 7. 7uffif. through Ch. Right. cleared out of the o. T. 65 one & the fame way. He is otherwife our hope, of which He is the Object) as well as the Author, than He is our Efe : And He is otherwifef our life and peace , which He worketh & createth in us , than He is our RefurreEtion and Glory. So He is our Righteoufnefs, by making us partaker of His Su- rety- righteoufnefs, & imputing it unto us, that it may be reckoned on our Score ; for this the nature of the thing requireth , feinga- Righteoufnefs we mutt have , ere we be jultified ; and a Righteoufnefs of our owne we have not ; and therefore mutt have one imputed EOM: and what Righteoufnefs can fuite us better than His , who is THE LORI) OUR RIGHTEOUS- NESS? He tels us 3. That by R.jghteoufnefï it weaned that juffification, which fian- deth in R,emifon of Sinnes : and the meaning is that through Him God would be reconceled to them and pacified with them. Anf. Juftificatton is fomething elie, than pardon of fins; for a juflified man is one , that is declared and pronun- ced Righteous, in order CO pardon of Sins ; and in order to a perfons being declared fuch , by God , whoaíway judgeth according to truth, he mutt be Righteous; & Righteous can no man be in the fight of God , in order to his juftification , by what is in himfelf; & therefore he muff have a Righ- teoufnefs from fome other : & feing Chrift is called , the Lord our Righteouf- nefs , it r uft be His Righteoufnefs , which mutt be beftowed upon them , in order to God'sbeing reconciled to them , & pacified with them. F:fdly another paffage is Dan. 9:24.. to finish the tranfgreffion , and to make an end of fins , d r to make reconciliation for iniquity , and to bring in everlafling RZighteoufi efr. That all this is to be underítood of the gnat & fpiritual ef- feétsof power & Grace , which are to be brought about by the Meífiah , no Chriftian can deny; and among the reft we fee, He is to bring in a Righ- teoufnefs , and a Righteoufnefs of ages , an everlafting Righteoufnefs, that shall endure for ever , & shall have everlafting effeEis : and this Righteout- nefs is fomething more, than Remiffion of Sins,& is diflinEt from ir, which is fufficiently held forth by the foregoing Exprefl.îons of finishing tranfi;ref- fions , of making an end of Sins , and of making reconciliation for iniquity: which faith that to juftification there is a Righteoufnefs required , & that this Righteoufnefs is not meer Remiflîon of Sins; but fome thing befide, that mull endure,when fin is taken away.This Righteoufnefs is to bebrought in by the Ivleflah , as a favoure , diftinCt from the preceeding & yet infe- parable therefrom, & firmly conneEted therewith. This Righteoufnefs, which the Meffìah is to bring in,being fomething betide Remiffion of Sins , mutt be a Righteoufnefs wrought by the Meffiah , & brought in for the life and advantage of His people , who, as they are to be made partaketsof the foregoing favoures , are alfc to be made partaketabf this ; and confequentív mull have it imputed to them feing no other way , it can be made theirs. Sixtly We. ay adduce to this purpofe , zech. 3: 4. take away the filthy garments from him : and unto him he Paid , behold , I have cau fed thine iniquity to go from thee; I will clothe thee with change of rayment. Here by a vifion is fignified to the prophet, how the Lord would at length be reconciled to His I Church