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66 7uj1if, through Ch. Right. cleared- out of the o. i. C HA P. 7. Church , & bring her in to His favour againe, that her fervice might be. come acceptable to Him which now was wholly defiled, and fo defiled, that even their High prieff , who should weare the holy garments , whereupon was engraven Holinefi to the Lord, is faid to have had on filthy garments; whereby the acculer of the Brethren , Satan the enernie , had no (mall ad- vantage againfl them : and the way is fet down in borrowed termes , which are in part explained. Firff the Lord caufed to take away the filthy garments from the High Priefl ; and this is more plainely expref 'ed, in thefe words, I have caufed thine iniquity to go from thee. But betide this, there is a Righ- teoufnefs required , in order to acceptance with God as was laid above : therefore that this work of ju(lificauon may be compleated , it is added r d wi`l cloth thee with change of rayment. Some, it is true , would refcrre this to Sanflification ; but others unto Uglification. gunius's Notes , & the English annot. take in both : and lure, if this be trueof Sanc`lification, which is wrought in us, it is much more true of the Righteoufnefs, that is requi- red unto juflification , which is without us, and muff be put on. And the Chaldee ParaphraJi tnrneth it thus, behold I have taken away thine iniquity, ë bave clothed thee with Righteoufneffes. The word in the original , which is . tranflated change of rayment, importeth fome fuite of appareil, that is not . for ordinary wearing , but kept for folemne times ,V& fo may well import the Saints wedding or Marriage -fuite : & that which is added in the follo- wing verfe, may be underflood, as denoting Sand;fication , which is ad- ded with the Mitreon his head fignifying the graces of the Spirit, qua- lifying the High prieft, for his work. C H A P. VIII. Some pafi'ages of the New Tef. confirming the Impu- tation of Chrift's Righteoufnefs, Vindicated from the exceptions of JoaN GOODWINE. HAving feen, what countenance the Old Tefl. giveth unto the Truth, we are afferting ; & vindicafrotne of thefe paffages from the Exce- ptions of lohn Goodwine.Je come next to fearch for confirmation of this truth , out of the New Tefl. and I shall here beginne with fuch , as the ffid Author taketh notice of, in order to excepting againft them, in his Treatife of juflification. Fir]? Rom. ;: 2 T,22. But now the R iteou fnefs of God without the Law , is manifefled , being witne fjed by the Law and the Prophets , even the Righteoufnefs of God , which is by faith of fetus Cbrif l unto all and upon all them that beleeve. But if men would difputeagainft this truth , they should except againfl whole Chapters , in that Epiflle; and difputtagainfl the very fcope & defigne, yea and all the Arguments of the Apoflle , who , in the firft part of that Ept- Ale ,.