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C tr A P. 8. 7uflif. through r;nput. of ch. Right. clearedfront the N.T. 77 Dew. 27: 26. Gal. 3 :13. And the Righteoufnefs , which is of the Law, is, that the man, who doththefe things , shall live by them. And this was fo orde- red , that the Righteoufnefs of the Law , the (LxalwNy of the Law , the jus and demand of the Law mentioned , might be fulfilled in us, that is , in our Na- ture by the Redeemer & Surety , who did & fuffered all this in & for His own. The Ethiopik Verfion is.a clear commentary , and when we were impotent to do the commands of the Law , God fent His own Son for that fin , who took on our body of fin d..9* condemned fin it felf in our body , that he might jufli fie us , d? be propitious unto us , and that fo he might fulfill the work of the commands of the Law for them , who walk in the Law of the holy Spirit. Let us now fee what John Goodwine excepteth p.145. &c. fie faith. (t.) Some underhand this rather of Sanfhfication , than of juftifi- cation ; & by the fulfilling of the Righteoufnefs of the Law , that Evangeli- cal obedience to the precepts thereof, which all thole, that truely beleeveinChrifl,. do in part performe, and defrre and flrive to perforrne more perfectly. Gofpel jufliñcation & Gofpel-Sanäification agree well together , and Chrrft is the true foundation & caufe of both. But that this is to be underfiood rather of juftification , appeareth hence. (I.) That this is a further explication & confirmation of what was faid vers t.. There is therefore now no Condemnation to them , which are in Chriß jefus (2.) all that meafure of Sandtification ,. which the Saints through Grace attaine unto here , cannot be called a ful- filling of the Righteoufnefs of the Law , the Lawes demands are not there- by fatisfied ; for it calleth foe perfet obedience , which. none of the San - ¿tiíied can give. (3.) if this were underflood of Sanfification , why are there words added , who walknot after the flesh , bue after the Spirit ? 2. He faith: By the Righteoufnefs of the Law, which is here Jaid to be fulfilled in beleeverr , cannot be meant the Righteoufnefr or alive obedience of Chriß impu -. red, becaufeit mull of necefJity be fuch a R:hteoufners and fuch a fitlfilling, as may be apprehended as a proper and futable effeEt of Chrifl's condemning fin in the flesh , as the particle ïva declareth. But it is unpeffible that the a Live obedience of Chriß or the imputation of it , should be any proper effeEt of condemning fin irk_ the flesh, that is of the abolishing or taking away the guilt., or the accufing and condemning power offn; for when the guilt of finis purged away, there needeth- no other Righteoufnefs, nor Imputation of Righteoufnefs for juflifìcation. Anf.. (I.) Chrift's obedience & Suffering need not be diiuinguished, both being done in His flare of humiliation , and belonging - thereto, & both being necefiary to anfwere the demand of the Law , which we did lye under : Chrift performed both , to the end the whole Lxxiapcx , or jut & right of the Law might be fulfilled in us, and for us, by this Surety. And before guilt be purged away, we mutt have both imputed to us ;. for ;ufhification, by faith muff not make the Law void , but rather eflablish it, (2.) Neither is this vers 4. CO be looked on,,as holding forth the end of that , which did, imrnediatly preceed in the end of vers 3. or of Chrift's condemning fin in, the flesh; but rather as a further endof God's fending His Son in the like - nefs of finful flesh; or as a comprehenfive end of all that was me.ntionech before.. K 3 , 3.. Lit