Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

·B·o:oJ(S Printed for W. JoHNSToN, at the GtJlden-13all, in Ludgate -- Street. · THE Great A.Jli~e: Or·, Day of _7uhilee ; Jn' which We muft make a General Account of all C llf AEiirms before Almighty GGD.- ·Delivered in Four Sermcm upon the X;(th. Chapter of t~e Re<z.~elations : Plainly fuewing the Happy State oi the Godly. and the Woefu l Condition of the Wit ked. By Sa.muit/: Sm'ith, late Mi!Jifter .of the Word at Prlttlerw/'! in Ej/ex, . Author of Datz~id's R epentance. z . Llatz~id's Repmtance : Or, A Plain and Fami- ·· liar Expojition on the' LHl Pfalm; firft Preached, and now Publifoedfor theiBenefitofGOD's Church. Wb~rei n every C~riflian may fet before his Eyes the Pattern of Vv,,leigntd Rcpentancf. L..iktwife Exhorting every1M~n to labour for Ri!pentance b fo re Sick11t:Js and "Death fe ize upon them ; for that after Death there is nb Repentance to be ha'd or expetled. By Samuel Smith, late Minifl:er of the Word at Prit- • tlt<Vv'ti in EJ!ex . Atl thor of 1he Gnat AJ!ize. . 3· Come and Trelcome to J efu! Chriji . Or~ A Plain and Profitable Difcourfe E>_n John VI. Ver . 37. Shewing the Caufc. 'fruth, a"nd M anner of t,he Coming of a Sinner to Jefus Chrijf : Vvith his Hapyy Recep.:. tion and Bl'!fftd E11tertainmp11t. By ]ohn Bu11Jan, Author of the Pilgrim's Ptogrefs. ' . 4 · Sr;lomon's 'femple Spiri t.ualized: Or, G€/pelLight fetched out of !he 'Frmple at 'jerufq/em, to let · us mor~ eafily inte the Glory of Ne:w .::Tejiament'- 'Ttut.hs . . By Jo~n Bunyan. 5· .Heart's-Eafe in Heart -'frouh!e• . Or_ A So'Vtreign Remetly againft all Trouble of flea1·t thatChnJF ~ Difcipl~s a-l'e fub}~a to, under all Kinds of Afllich~ ons in this Life. · Prefcribe<i hy the Great Pbyjiczan, the Lord J efus Cbrifl ;- which.hath never failed tho~ that have ufed it. or ever will, to the End of the . Worfd. By John Bu11yan.. .-