Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

1~ 0 1"' I-I :E C JUl'tt:ocis R E AD E R, J "' 1 I-I. ve - ~r.:ri tten to thee now ~vottt I . ·•) 1(.' • rr"'' h • ftJe oarn:' n t' 1 ~~- 1 ree, or u ow tt wilt j are wit J~ tbe F rui t leis Profeffor,. that J ttlthn tb in t~he ' Vineya.rd . c1.God ... Oj-· wh~ 1t Comllex'ion ;hott art, I _ C':-llt-?J(Jt C d-rf" ~"~Y divi~ne.,. but tbe· Pa:- . rabfe· t ei!J thee,_ :!ha-t th~ Cumbet-· ground nu!ft b>; cut dowt~> • ..4 C ~11nber-ground. Profefibr, i.r. 1JOt only a. J>ro.vo.cati-otJ I 0 God, "' Stumb/iug-hlock to the Vl o,rld, aiJtl.a #_le;n~fh to Rdibioo, but- tt· s,j ,lf'C 10;' 'his {{~vn 4Soul aljo.. 'Ihortg)J biJ E.xcel--- ·J.cnGy 'mort} ttp .p the Heavens, '1nd. • h i.:J., ~:L~_~d . re.lcf.? .ttnto . ti3e ClQU.os,, yet ' .~ 3 -h_e:: • . \$ '