Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

FOR YOUTH. ss Each blot and blur, it alfo will expofe , To the next readers, be they friends or foes. COMPARISON. Some fouls are like unto this blank or fheet, ( Tho' not in whitcncfs·: ) The next man they meet; Be what he will, a good man or deluder, A knave or fool, the dangerou:; imruder May write thereon, to cau!C that man to err, _In doEl:rine, or in life, with blot an<;l blur. Nor will that foul conceal wherein it fwcn·es, But fhow irfelf to each one that obfcrves. A reading maJ.1may know vvho was the writGI:, And by the helliil1 nonfcnfc the indit9o1-. H I 'port