Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

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T 0 T H E R E A D E Rw . CouRTEous READER, THE titie-page will fhew, if thou wiltlook, Who are the proper fubjeB:s of this book. They're boys and girls, of all forts and degrees., From thofe ofage,. to children on the knees. Thus comprehenfive am I in my notions, They tempt me to it by their childifh motions. We now have boys with beards, and girls that be Huge as old women, wanting gravity. Then do not blame me; fince I thus defcrib~· 'em, ' Flatter 1 may not, Tefr thereby ! _bribe tnem ro have a better judgment of themfelves, rhan wife men have of babies on the fhelves. fheir antic tricks., fantaflic modes, and way,. 3hew they like very boys and girls do pl<ly 'Vith all the fran.~ic fooleries of the age,, \nd that in Of?en yiew, as on a ftage; Jur bearded men do aa like beardlefs boys.,. Jur wo,men pleafe themfelves. with childifh· toys•. 1 Our minifiers long rime oy word and pen ealt with them, counting them not boys, out · men:. ' They

... ' .. -~~ ~.... ' "t.., i_vl ' ) To th€ R E A D E R. They !hot t~ir thunders at them, and their toys~ But hit them not, 'caufe they were girls and boys. The better charg' d, the wider frill they il10t, Or elfe fo hio:h, thefe Dwarfs they touched not. lnfiead of mgn, they found them girls and boys. To nought addieted but to childiih toys. Wherefore, dear reader, that I fave them may, 1 now with them the very DotriJ play. And fmce at gravity th.ey make a tufh, MY very beard I caft. behind a bufh. And like a fool fiand fing'ring of their toys, And all ~o £hew they are but girls and boys• . ".Nor do I blufh, altho' I think f0me may· Call me a child, becaufe I with them play : i aim t0 fno,w tnem now eacn ri ~;gic-f;t;-;g!~ On which they -d<;>te, does but their fouls . As with a web, a trap, ~- gin, a fnare: [ g \ And will ~efho.y them, have they not a Care. Paul feemed to p.la.y the fool, that. he gain . Thof~ that w:re fo~ls indeed, if not !1'1 grai He d1~ 1t by iu.c:h thmgs., to let th{lm fee 1 Their emptinef~. thei.r fin and vanity: J A noble aB;, a.nd full 9f honefiy ! · . Nor· he, nor I would li k:e them be \n viceL But by thei r play-things~, I would th.em intice,

To th~ REAnE· R. v That tl1ey might raife their thoughts from childifh toys, . - · To heaven, for that's prepared for girls and boys. Nor would I fo confine mvfelf to thefe,. As to !bun graver thing;>, but feek to pleafe Thofe more compos'd with better things thaa: toys; Tho' 1 would thus-be catching girls and boys. Wherefore if men' incltned' are to-look, Perhaps their graver fancies may be took 1 With what is here, tho' bat in homely rhimcs·: But he who pleafes all mufi rife betimes. Some, .I perfuade me, will be finding fault,. Concluding,. here 1 trip, and there I halt : No do~1bt fome : could thofe grovling n~tion,s ra1fe By fine-fpun terms, that challenge might the bays. Should all be forc'd their brains to lay afide That cannot regulate the flowing tide; By this or that man's fancy, we fhould have .· The wife, unto the fool, become a !1ave. \Vhat tho' my text, feems mean, my moral s be Gtave, as if fetch "d from a fublimer tFee. And if fome better handle can a fly, Than fome a·text, wherefore !hould we &·nv ' Their mak ing proof; or good experiment, ' O f fmalldi 1hillgs, great mifchiefs to prevent? As

vi To the R E A D E R. Wife Solomon did fools to pifmires fend~ To learn true wifdom, and their lives to menJ. Yea, God by fwaHows, cuckows, and the afs, Shews they are fools who let that feafon pafs, Which he put in their hand, that to obtain, Which is both prefent and eternal gain. I think the wifer fort my rhime may flight,. vVhile 1 perufe them, fools will take delight. -Then what care 1 ? the fooliih, God has chofe;: And doth by foolifh things, their minds com· And fettle upon that which is divine : L pofe, Great things, by little <imes, are made to fhine.. I could, were I fo pleas'd, l.!fe higher firains;. And for applaufe on tenters firetch my brains;. But what needs that? the arrow out of fight, Does not the fleeper, nor the watchman fright;. To {hoot too high doth make but ~hildren gaze, 'Tis that which hits the man ooth him amaze. As for the inconfiderablenefs Of things, by which I do my mind exprefs: , May l by them bring fome good thing to pafs, As Samfon, with the jaw-bone of ~m afs.; Or as brave Shangar with his ox's goad, ( Both things unmanly, .not for war in mode ) I have my end, tho' I myfeH expofe: For God will bave the zlory at t~e clofe. . J. B. DIVINE

DIVINE~ E rvr BLE.M· s·: 41) R,. . TEMPORAL ' THIN'G $ SPI-RlTUALIZED~ &cf. r. '· Up·on the barren Fig-Tree in God's Vineyard•. W H AT barren here! in this fo good' a foil? The fight of this cloth make God's heart recoil From giving thee his bleffing barren tree; :Bear fruit, or elfe thine end will curfed be! Art

S. D"IVTNE EN!BLE:Nrs· Art thou not planted by the ~ater-fide ?' Know'fl: not thy Lord by fruit is glorify' cl? The fentence is, Cut down· the ba!:ren tree:; B'ear fruit, e>r elfe thine end. will curfed be r Thou hafl: been digg'd about and dunged too,. Will neither patience, nor yet dreffing do? The cxec:utioner is come, 0 tree,. .Bear fruit,.or clfe thine end. wilV eUI:f~d be !' He tliat aoout tlly roots takes pains to dig, Would, i~ on thee were found but o~e good fig, . Pveferve thee from the axe : but, barren tree; Bear fruit, or elfe thine end' wiH' curfed be! 'The utmoft end' of patience is at nand; 'Tis much if thou much longer 'here cloth fiand •. 0 J=umbei-gr-ound, thou-art ·a barren tree; Bear fruit, Gr elfe thy end will cU!Jed be! Thy !landing, nor thy na~e will help at all ;. '\!Vhen fruitful trees are fpared, thou mufl: fall.. The axe is laid unto thy roots, 0 tree! Ecar fvuit, or elfe thy end will curfed · b~ II.- Ujon'

.lOR. YOUTH· n. Upon the Lark and the Fowler. ,...-,LIQTT !1mn1,. h~rr! "''1,~t mal•pc +hP.P J.,,.,.., 1 ,1.. t~ pl;y"?"''"' ..,... ~J .......... ........ ~-~ ••. ~- .,.._... ,.- Look, there's the fowler, pr'ythee come awar. Do'H not behold the net? Look there 'lis fpread, . Venture a little further thou a,rt dead.. Is there not room. enough i:n all the field For thee to play in, but thou needs nn.tH yield To thf( deceitftil glit.t''ring of a glafs, Between nets plac'd,. to. br,ing thy death.to.pafs ( Bird, if thou art fo much for dazzling light. Look there's th..e (un ahove thee; dart upright : ' 'I:hy

:!0 DIVINE .E _M.B LEMS Thy nature is to foar up to the fky, [ d'ie? Why wilt thou then come down to the nets and Heed not the fowle-r's tempt~ng flattering call; This whiH!e he enchanteth birds withal. vVhat tho' thou fee'l:l: a live bird in his net, She's there, becaufe from thence fue cannot get~ Loo,k how he tempteth theewitb his decoy, That he may rob thee of thy life, thy joy. Come. pr'ythee bird,. I pry'thee come away, Why fhould'fr thou to. this net bec;:Qme a prey?' llid' 'h thou not wings,' or were thy feathers; <Y' pull'd, . Or waft thou blind, or fafl afleep wer't Iull'd, The cafe :would fomewhat alter, but f-or theli:;. Thy eyes are ope', and thou haft wings to fle-:o. Remember that thy fong is in thy rife, Not in thy fall; earth's not thy paradife• .Keep up aloft then, let thy circuits be Above, where birds from fowler's nets are fa:ce. COMPARISON. This fowl 'eris an emblem of the devil~ His nets and whiftle, fingers of all evil. His glafs an emblem is of finful pleafure, Decoyi11g fucb, whQ reckon fin a treafure:. 'fhjs

FOR. 'YOUTH. This fimple lark's a lhadow of a faint, Under alluring,s, ready now to faint. What you have read, a needful warning is Defign'd :t0 fuew the foul its lhare and hlifs, And how it may this fowler's net efcape; And -Rot-commit upon itfelf this rape. nr. Upon the Vz'ne-Trte. WHAT is the vine, more than another tree? Nay mofi, than it, more tall, more comely he? What workman thence will take a beam or pin, To make out which may be delighted in ? Its :1.1

U- DIVINE EMBLEMS Ifs excellen<:y in its fruit doth lie : A fruitlefs vine it is ?ot worth a fly. cOMPARISON• What are profeffors rnore than other men ? Nothing at all. Nay, there's not one in ten, Either for wealth, or wit, that may compare, In many things, with fome that carnal are. Good then they are, when mortify'd their fin, But without that, they are not worth a pin. IV. Meditations upon an Egg• T . HE egg~s no c?ic~ ·by fal~ing from the l1C:U; N<>r man a C~nihah ull he's born agaUJ. The

The egg's at firfi contained in the fhell Men afore grace, in fins and darknefs dwel!, The egg, when laid, by warmth i~ made a chicken. And Chrifi by grace the dead in fin does quicken. The chick at firfi is in the cell confin)d; So heav'n-born fouls are in the flefh detain ' d. The !hell doth crack, the chick doth chirp and peep, The flefh decays, and men then pray and weep. The !hell cloth break, . the chick's at liberty, . The fleill falls off, the foul mounts up on high. But both do not enjoy the felf-fame plight; The foul is fafe, the chick now fears the kite~ But chicks from rotten eggs do not proceed Nor is , an hypocrite a faint indeed. . The rotten egg, tho' underneath the hen, If crack'd, :!links, and is loathfome unto men.. Nor doth her warmth make what is rotten found; What's rotten, rotten will at ]aft be found. The hypocrite, fin has ~~ ;·r1 in poffeffion, He is a rotten egg under profefiion. Some eggs bring cockatrices; and fome men; Some hatc'd .and brooded in the viper's den.

14 DIVINE EMBLEMS Some eggs bring wild-fowls; and fome mer1 there be As wild as are the wildefl: fowls that flee. Some eggs bring fpiders; and fome men appear More venom'd than the worfl: of fpiders are. Some eggs bring pifmires; ~md fome feem to As much for trifles as the pifmires be. [ me And thus do divers eggs form diff'rent fhapes, As like fome men as monkeys are like apes, But this is but an egg, were it a chick, Here bad been legs, and wings, and bones tp pick. V. OJ Fowls flying in the Air. METHINKS .I fee a fight mofl: excellent, All fort,s of birds fly in the firmament: SQme

FOR YOUTH .. Sorne great, fome fmall, all of a divers kind, Mine eye aHI:£ting, pleafant to my mind. Look how they wing along the wholeiome air, Above the world of worldlings, and their care. And as they divers are in buik and hue, So are they in their way of flying too. ~o many birds, fa many various thing~ Swin.t in the element upon their wingi. COMPARISON. Thefe birds are emblems of thofe men, that fhall E're long po!fefs the heavens, their all in all. They each are of a diff'rent fhape and kind: To teach, we of all nations there fhall find. They are fome great, fome little as we fee, To fhew, fame greattfome fmall, in glory be. Their flying diverfly1 as we behold, · Do fhew fdints joys will there be manifold. Some glide, fome mount, fame fluttei:and fom~ In a mixt way of flying, glory too. [ do. To fhew that each lhall to his full co'fttent~ Be happy in that heav 'nly firmament.· "".: ..... )...~ .,: ... ._.~· .. ,

16 DIVINE .EMBLEMS VI. Upon t.ke Lord's Prajt.r ·o· U R Father which in heaven art, ' Thv name be alwavs hallowed: Thy kingd~m come, thy ~ill be done; ··Thy heavenly path be followed: By us on earth, as 'tis with thee, We humbly pray; And let our bread to us be giv'n -From day to day. :Forgive our debts, as we forgive Thole that to us indeb ted are : · Into temp tation lead us not; · But fave us fr,li11 the wickco fnare. The ki ngdom·s thine, the power to~, \i\Te thee adore; The glory alfo fh~dl be thine For evermore.

lFOR YOUTH. VII. Meditatzon.r upon the Peep qf Day. AT peep of clay I oft€n cannot know . Whether 'tis night, whether 'tis day or I fancy that I fee a little light, [ ' nor But cannot yet di!lingui!h day from night; I hope, I doubt, but certain yet I be not, I am not at a point, the fun I fee not. Thus fuch, who are butjufi of grace poffeQ•. They know not yet if they be cudl or bldL I B 3- VIII. Uper¥

VIII. Upon the Flint in the Water. T H I S . flint, time out of mind has there abode, Where cryfial fireams make their continual Yet it abides a flint as much as 'twere, [road, Before it touch'd the water, or came there. Its hardncfs is not in the leafi abated, "'Tis not at all by water penetrated. Though water bath a foft'ning virtue in't, It can't di!f.olve the fione, for 'tis a flint. Yea, tho' in the water it cloth fiill remain, . .lts nery nature fti-ll it does retain. If

FOR 10U~.Yf· If yeu oppofe it with its oppofite, , Then in your very face its fire 'twill fpit. COMPARISON. This flint an emblem is of thofe that lie, Under the word like ftones, until they die. Its cryftal ftreams have not their natureschang'cf, They are not from·their lufts by grace eftrang'd. IX. Upon t.he Fijh in the W~ater. THE water is the fifh's element: Take her from thence, none can her death prevent; And fome have faid, who liave tranfgreffors As good not be, as to be kept from fi n. [ beea, The

"!0 DIVINE EMBLEMS' The water is the fifh's element L'eave her but there, and fhe will be content , - So's he, who in the path oflife doth plod, · Take all, fays he, fet me but have my God.. The water is the fifh's element: Her fportings there to her are excellent :. So is God's fervice unro holy men, They are not in their element till then.. x .. Upon the. Swallow. T H I S pretty bird, oh L how fhe flies and: fings! . But could !he do fo if fhe had not'wings? .Her wings befpeak my faith, her fangs my peace; ' 'When 1 believe and fing, my doubtings ceafe•. XI. Upon

FOR YOUTH. XL Upon the Bu. r H E bee goes out, and honey home cloth bring; · • wd fome who fe ek that honey find a fl ing. fow WQ_u]d'fi thou have the honey, and be free rom flinging ; in the firfi place kill the bee~ COMPARISON. c This bee an emblem truty is .of fin, Vhofe hveet unto~ many, death hathbeen. V ould'il: thou have fweet from,. fin, and yet notdie, . . in in the firfi place thou mufi trtottify~ XII. Upore,

-22 DIVINE EMBLEMS XII. Upon a _ l()t~/ring Morning. VJ{ T E L L, wit-h the day I fee the clou~t 1 ~ appear? • And mix the light wi th darknefs ev'ry where; This threatens thofe who on long journeys go, That they iliall meet with flabby rain or fnow. Elfe while I gaze, the fun doth with his beams .Belace the clouds, as 'twere with bloody Zhen fuddenly thofe clouds do watry And weep and pour their tears out where go. COMPARISON. Thm. 'tis when gofpel light doth u!her in To us, both fenfe of grace, and fenfe of fin; Yea, when it makes fin red with Jefus' blood, Then we can weep. till weeping does us goo~ XIII. Upou

.)'\ !'OR YO U TH. 23 '\ XIII. Upa7t over-much Nicenejs. 'T I S firange to fee how over-nice are fome About their c1othes, their bodies and their horn~ i\Vhile what's of worth, they nightly pafs it by,, lNot doing it all, or flovcnly. , Their houfes mull well furnifh 'd be in print ; i\Vhile their immortal foul has no good in't. Its outfide alfo they mull beautify, MThile there is in' t fcarce common honelly. Their bodies they mull have trick'd up and Their infide full of filth up to the brim. [ trim : Upon their clothes there mufr not be a fpot, Whereas their lives are but one common blot. How

~4 DIVNIE EMBLEMS How nice, how coy are fome about thcir diet, . / That can their crying fouls with hogs-meat quiet. All muft be dreft t'a-hair, or elfe 'tis naught. '-vhile of the living bread they have no tho\1ght. Thus for their outfide they are clean and mce, While their poor infide ftinks with !in and 'YLCe. XIV. , Meditations upon a Candle. M AN's like a candle in a candlefiick, Made up of tallow, and a little wick; For w.hat the candle is, before 'tis lighted, Juft fuch be they who are in nn benighted. Nor

1'0& YOUT X. Nor ~"n a man his foul with gr.Ace infpire, More than the candles fet themfelves on fire. Candles receive their ' light from what they are not: [ care not. Mev grace from him, for whom at firfi they We manage candles when they take the fire; Cod men, when he with grace .doth them in~ fpire. An_d !biggefl: candles give the 1~etter'11ght, As grace on biggefi Gnnersfbi;tFs moll bright. The candle fhines to make another fee, A ' faint unto his neighbour light fhould be. The ,hli~ing candle.we domuch def~ife, Saints dim ofTight_are high in .no rn~n s eyes. Again, though it may feem to fome a 'riddle, We pfe to light our candle at th.e middle: ·Trudiglit doth at the:caq(ile's encfappear, And grace the .heart firfl: reaches by the ear. :Sut 'tis the \Vick the fire doth kindle on, As 'tis the fteflrt that gt:ace fidl: works upon. Thus both do fafien upon what's the main, And fo their life and vigour do maintain. -c

• ~6 DIN1NE ENBLEMS The tallow ~pakes the wick yield to the fire, And finful flefh doth make the foul defire, That grace may kintlle on it, in it burn ; So evil makes the foul from evil turn. But candles in the wind are apt to flare; And chrifl:ians in a tempefl:, to defpair. We fee the flame with fmoke attended is; And in our holy lives there's mt•.::h amifs. So~etimes ~ tl~ief will candle:light annoy: And Iu:/ls do feek our graces to defl:roy. What brackifh is will make a candle fputter; 'Twixt fin and grace there's ·oft' a: heavy cl ut ter. Sometimes the light burns dim, 'casfe.of the · fuu~ . . And fometimes 'tis blown quite out with a puff; But watchfulnefs preventeth both thefe evils, 1\:eeps candl-es light, and grace ~n fpi~ht ~f devils. But let not fnuff~ nor puffs make us to doubt; • Our candles may be lighted, tho' pufft .out. The candle in the night cloth all excel, · Nor fun, nor moon, nor fl:ars, then fhine fo well. So is the Chrifl:ian in our hemifphere, Whofe light fhews others how their courfe to fteer. When

FOR YOUTH. vVhen candles are ·put out .afl's in confufion ;. Where Chrill:ian's are not devils make intrufion. . They then are happy who fuch candles have, All others dwell in da<knef.s and the grave. Dut candles that do blink within the focket, And faints who!e eyes are always in their pocket, Are much alike; fuch candles make us fumble; And .at fuch.faints, good men and bad do ll:um- , ble. ,Good candles don't offend, except fore eyes, ,~{)r hurt, unlefs it be the filly flies: fhus none like burning candles in the night, '{or ought to holy living for delight. 3ut let us draw towards the candle's end: rhe fire, you fee, cloth wick and tallow fpend; .~s grace man's life, until his glafs is run, \nd fo the candle and the man is dvne. The man now lays him dow'l upon his bed; ~hi'! wick yielf!s up its fire; and fo is dead. ·.'he ca.ndle now extinct is, but th'e man, ~y grace mounts up to glory, there to ll:a:rad,. \ .. C .2 XV. Upon ·

xv. Up~tt t!u Sacranwru-.- TW 0 facraments I do believe there be, Ev'n baptifm and the Supper of the Lord; :Both myfieries divine, which do to me, By God's appointment, benefit afford ; But £hall they be my God, or fhall I have Of them fo foul and impious a thought, To think that from the curfe thev can me favel, / :Bread.• wine, nor water ma no ~anfom bou~ht.

.FOR YOUTH XVI. . Upon the Sun's RifleClion upon' the Clouds in a· · fm'r Morning. LO 0 K yonder, ah ! methinks mine eyes do fee, Clouds edg'd with filver, as fine garments be!, Theylookasif they faw the golden fa ce, [grace. That makes black clouds mofi beautiful with, Unto the faints fweet incenfe of their prayer, Thefe fmoaky curled clouds I do compare. For as thefe clouds feem edg'd,. or lac'd with: gold., ' Their prayers return with bleiiings manifqld, ~vu .. Upon.,

~Q DIVINE iMB.LEMS XVII. Upon Appard. GOD gave us cloaths to hide our nakednefs, And we by them do it expofe to view. Our pride and unclean minds, to an excefs, By Qur apparel we to others ihew. XVIII. Upon

XVIII. Tke Sinner and the Spider. Sinner. W H AT black, what ugly crawling · thing .art thou ? . Spider. I am a fpider·-----·--..................._ Sinner. A fpider, ay; truly a filthy creature• . Spider. Not filthy as thyfelf in name or feature: My name entailed is to my creation; My. feature from t.be God of thy falvation. Sinrur.

3'~ ~IVIN E EMBLEM'S" -Sinner. I am,a man, and in God's image made-,. I have a foul !hall neither die nor fade : God has poffeHed me with numan reafon, Speak not againH me; left thou fpeakeft treafou•. . For if I am the imJge of my maker; Of Ganders laid on me he is partaker. Spider. I know thou art a creature far above me, . Therefore 1 !hun, I fear, and alfo love thee. But . tho' thy God l1ath made thee fuch a crea. ture, Thou hall againft him oftep play'd the traitor. Thy fin has fetch' d thee down : I~ave off .t?· boall; Nature thou haftdefil'd, God's image loft'.. Yea thou, thyfel f a very beaft haft made, And a:rt become like grafs, which foon cloth fade. Thy foul, thy rea(on;. yea, thy fpotlefs :ftate, . Sin has fubjeCled to th' moH dreadful fate. ~ut I retain my primitive condition, I've all but what I loft by thy ambition. Sinner. Thou ve~om'd thing, I know not what to call thee· · ' The dregs of ~ature furely did befall thee; Thou waft compos'd o'th' drofs and fcum of all, Men hate thee, and in.fcorn tqee Spider call. Spider.

:tOlt YOUTH. Spider. My venom's g.>od for fomething; fince God made it. 'fhy nature fin hath ffoil'd, a.nd cloth degrade it. 'Thou art defpoil'd o ·good: and tho' I fear thee. I will not, tho' I might, defpife and·jeer thee. Thou fay'ftl am.the very dregs of nature, Thy fin'~ the fpawn of devils, 'tis no creature. Thou fay'ft man hates me, 'caufe I am a fpider, Poor man, thou at thy God art a derider; My venom tendeth to my p1efervation; Thy pleafing follies work out thy damnation. Poor man, I keep th'e rules of mz creation, Thy fin has caft thee headlong from thy ftation. 1 hurt no body williagly ; but thou Art a felf-murderer: thou know'ft not how To do what's good; no, for thou lovefi evil: Thou fly'fi: God's law, adherefi to the devil. Sinner. Thou ill iliap'd thing, there's an antipathy, •Twixt man and fpiders, 'tis in vain to lie; Stand off, I hate thee, if thou dofi: come nigll · me, I'll crufh thee with my foot: I do defy thee. Spider• . They are ill-fhap'd, who warped are by fin, Hatred in .thee to God hath long time been; No marvel then indeed, if me his creature Thou dofi: defy, .Pretending name and featur~. B.u't

o1- .DIVINE EMBLEMS But why frand off? My prefence _{hall not throng thee, 'Tis not my venom, but thy fin cloth wrong thee, Come, I will tca~h thee wifdom, do but hear me, I was n1~de for thy profit, .do not fear me. ' But if thy God tho'u wilt not hearken to, What 'can the [wallow, ant, and fpider do? Yet I will fpeak, I can but be reje8ed, Sometimes, great !hings, by fmall means are ' effe8ed. . Hark then, tho' man is noble by creationt ~-:le's lafped now to fuch degeneration As not to grieve, fo carelefs is he grown,. Tho' he himfelf has fadly overthrown, And brought to bondage every earthly thing,. Ev'n from the very' fpider to the king: This we poor fenfitives do feel and fee; For fubjeH to the curfe you made us be. Tread not upon me, neither from me go ; 'Tis man which has brought all the world t@· · -woe. · The law of my creation bids me teach thee; 1 will not for thy pride to God impeach thee. 1 fpin, I weave, and all to let thee fee. Thy befi: performances but cobwebs be. Thy glory now is brought ~o fuch an ebb; It doth not much excel the fpider's web. My

FOR YOUTH. 35 My webs becoming fnares arid ~raps for flies, Do fet the wiles of hell before thine eyes, Their tangling. nature is to let thee fee, ' T!Jy fins ( too ) of a tangling nature be. My deh, or hole, for that 'tis bottomlefs, ·neth of damnation fhew the lafiingnefs. My lying quiet till the fly is catcht, · Shews, fecretly hell hath thy ruin hatcht. In that I on her feize, when fhe is taken, I !hew who gathers whori1 God bath forfaken. The fly lies buzzing in my 'o/eb to tell . How finners always roar and how I in hell, Now.fince I fhew thee ail thefe myll~iies. How canfi thou hate me ; or me fcandaliz~ ? Sinner. Well, well; I will ~.o more be a derider, I did not look for fuch things from a fpider. Sp£der. Come, hold thy peace, what I have yet te If heeded, may helptheeanotherday. [fay, Since I an ugly ven'mous creature be, There's l'ome refemb1ance 'twixt vile mart and me. My wild and heedlefs runnings, are like thofe Whole ways to ruin do their fouls expofe. Day light is noc my time, I work i'th' night, . ro Ihew, they are like me who hate the light. The:

&6 DIVINE EM!LX-MS The maid fweeps one web down, I make aB9• ther, To fhew,how heedlefs onesconviaionsfmother. My web is no defence at all to me, Nor will falfe hopes at judgm~nt be to thee. ,.. Sinner. 0 fpider, l hav~ heard thee, and do wonder, A fpider fhould.thus lighten, and thus thunder? Spider. Do but hold frill, and I will let thee fee, Yet i.n my ways more myfierie~there be. Shall not I do thee good, if I thee tell, I fhew totheeafour-:fold way to hell? For fince I fet my web in fundry places. 1 fhew men go to hell in divet:s traces. One I fet in the window, that I might Shew fome go down to hell with gofpellight. One I fet in a corner, as you f~e, To fhew how fome in fecret fnared be. Grofs webs gteat Jl:o1:e l Jet .in dar·ktc,mel places, To fhew, how many fin with brazen faces. Another web I fet aloft on high, To fhew there's fome profefling men ,muft die Thus in my ways, God wifdom cloth concet" And by my way$, that wifdom doth reveal .

FO.lt YOUTIJ. I hide myfelf when I for flies d'o wait, 'So cloth the devil when he lays his bait; If I do fear the lofing of my prey, I 1.1ir me, and more [nares upon her lay. This way, and that, her wings and legs I tie, That fure as fhe is catch'cl, [{> 01e mufr die. But if I fee fhe's like to get away, 37 Then with my venom I her journey fray. All which my ways, the devil imitates To catch men, 'caufe he their falvation hates. Sinner. 0 fpider, thou delight'!!: me with thy Ikili, I pr'ythee fpit this venom at me frill. Spider. I am a fpider, yet I can poffefs The palace of a king, where happinefs So much abounds. Nor when I do go thither, Do they afk what, or whence · I come, or whither I make ·my hafiy travels? no, not they: They let me pafs, and I go on my way: . I feize the palace, do with hands take hold Of doors, of locks, or bolts; yet I am bold, When in, to clamber up unto the throne, And to poffefs it, a~ if 'twere my own. Nor if there any law forbidding me Here to abide, or in this palace be. At pleafure I afcend the highefi fiori cs, And then I fit, and fo behold the glories D . M \•ldf

z8 DIVNIE EMBLEMS Myfelf is compafs'd with, as if I were, One of the chiefefl: courtiers that be there. Here lords and ladies do come round about me, With grave demeanour, nor do any flout me, For this my brave adventure, no, not they; 'They come, they go, but leave me there to ftay. Now my reproacher, I do by all this Shew how thou may'Il: poffefs thyfelf of blifs: Thou art worfe than a fpider, but take hold On Chrifl: the door thou !halt not be controul'd: By 'him do thou the heavenly palace enter; . None e'er will chide thee for thy brave adventure. Approach thou then ttnto the very throne, There fpeak thy mind: fear not, the day's thine own. Nor faint, nor angel will thee ftop or fiay, Bt1t rather tumble blocks out of the way. My venom flops not me; let not thy vice Stop thee; poffefs thyfelf nf paradife. Go on, I fay, although thou be a !inner, Learn to be bold in faith of rile a fpinner. This is the way true glories to poffefs, And to eujoy what no man can exprefs. Sometimes I find the palace door up-lockt, And fo my entrance thither has up-blockt. But

FOR YO·UT'H. But am I daunted? No, I hete and there Do feel and fearch ; and fo if any where, At any chink or crevice find my way, . I uoud, I prefs for paffage, make no fray : gg And fo thro' difficulty I attain The palace, yea, the throne where princes reign•. I croud fometimes, as if I'd burfl in funder:. And art thou crufh'd withfiriving·, do not wonder. Some fcarce get in; and yet indeed they enter; Knock, for they nothing have, that nothing venture. Nor will t~e King himf<:;lf throw dirt on theer As thou ha!l ca!l reproaches upon me, He will not hate thee, 0 thou foul backflider r As thou didH m·e becaufe I am a· fpider~ Now, to conclude: fince l much doarine bring, Slight me no more, call me not ugly thing. God: wifdom hath unto the pifmire given, And fpiders may teach men the way to heaven •. I , Sinner. "V\T ell, my good fpider, I my errors- fee,. I was a fool fer railihg fo at thee. Thy nature, venom, and thy fearful •hue, , But {hew what finners are, and·what they do. Thy way, and works do. alfo darkly tell, · How fome men go to heaven, and fome to helL Thou art mv monitor, I am a foor; They m?Y leam, tha~ to fpidcrs go to fchool. D 2 XIX. Merii· ::... /

XIX. Meditations upon the Day bifore the Sun-rijing, BUT all this. while, where's he whofe golden rays Drives night away, and beautifies our days? 'Where's he whofe goodly face doth warm and heal, And thew us what the dar;kfome nights conceal? Where's he that thaws our ice, drives co~d away t ., Let's have him., or we care not for the day. ·Thus 'tis with thofe who are poffeft of grace, There's nought to them like their Redeem. er's face, XX. OJ

XX. Of the Mole in the· Growul. T ~fltk~ole's a creature very fmooth and She digs i 'th' dirt, but 'twill not on her .flick. So's he who counts this world, . his greate!l: gains, Yet nothing gets but lahour for his pains. · Earth's the mole's element, fhe can't abide To be abov·~ ground, din heaps ;ne her pride; An~ h~ is like her, who the worldling plays, . He Imitates her in her works and ways. Poor filly mole, that thou fhould'fi love to be, Where thou, nor fun, nor moon, nor flars can'fl: fee. · But oh! How filly's he,. who doth not care So he gets earth, to have of heav'n a fhare r D 3 XXI. Of

42 DIVlN E EMBLE!~S XXI. Of the Cuehoo. T H 0 V booby, fay'ft thou nothing but Cuckoo? / · · The Robin and the Wren can thee out-do. They to us play thorough their little throats, Not one, but fundry pretty tuneful notes. But .thou haft fellows, fome like thee can dO' Li~tle but fuck our eggs, and fing Cuckoo. Thy not 'Sdo not firft welcome in our fpring, Nor doft Lhou its firft tokens to us bring. Birds lefs than thee by far, like Prophets, do· Tell us, 'tis coming, tho' not by Cuckoo. Nor doft thou fummer have away with thee, Thou,!!;h thou a yawling, ba,.Vling Guckoo b.e. When

FOR YOUTH.o 43 When thou dofl: ceafe among us to appear, Then doth our haFvefi bravely crown our year. But thou haft fellows, fome like thee can do Little but fuck our eggs, and. fing Cuckoo. Si'nce Cuckoos forward not our early fpFing, Nor help with notes to bring our harvell in; And f.~Pce while here; fhe only makes a noife~ So pleafing unto none as girls and boys, The Formalifl: we may compare her to, For he cloth fuck our eggs~ and fing, Cuckoo. XXII. Of the B{)y and Butter-Fly. B E H 0 L D how eager this our little boy Is for this Butter-fly, as if all joy, All profits, honours, yea and Jailing pleafures, Were wrapt up in her, or the richeft treafures, Found

' 44 I Dl'Q'IN E EMBLEl\fS Found in her, would be bundled up togethef;. · When all her all is lighter than a feather. He holloos, runs, and cries 0ut, Here boys,. here,. Nor cloth he brambles or the nettles fear: He fiumbles at th€ mole-hills,. up he gets,. And runs agaiq( as one bereft of wi~s; And all his J.abour and this large out-cry, ls·oniy for a fill) Butter- fly .. CO. MPARISON.· · This little boy an emblem is of thofe; Whofe hearts are wholly at the world's difpofe; The Butter-fly ·doth rcprefent to me;. The world's befi things at befi but fading be, All are but painted nothings and falfe joys;. Like this poor Butter-fly to thefe our bo His running thor-ough nettfes, thorns and .To gratify his boyifh forid defires; His tumbling ~ver male-hills to attain . His end, namely his Butter-fly to gain; Doth plainly fhew what hazards fo.me men· To get what will be lo:ll as foon as won. Men feem in choice, than children far more wife, Becaufe they run not after 'Butter-flies: When yet alas! for what are empty toys,. 1 hey follow children, like to beardlefs boys.- XXIII. Of

fOR YOUTij. XXIII., Of th~ Fly at th~ Candlt. HAT ails this fly thus defperateiy to enter combat wit~ tbe cart~!~ ( \Vi!r !ne venture o clafh at light? Away thou filly Fly; Thus doing thou wilt burn thy wings anddie. But 'tis a folly her advice to give; he'll kill the candle, or fhe will not live. fays fhe at it : then rne nnkes retreat,. wheels about, and doth her blows repeat. Nor cloth the candle let her quite efcape~ 3ut gtves fome little check unto the ape: fhrows up her nimble heels, and down fhe falis, Nhere fhe lies fprawling~ and for fuccourcalls, · when

46 DIVINE EMBLEMf When !he recovers, up !he gets again, And at the candle come's with might and main .But now behold, the candle takes the Fly, And holds her, till !he cloth by burning die. COMPARISON. This candle is an emblem of that light, Our gofpel gives in this our darkfome night.. The Fly a livelypiEl:ure is ofthofe That hate, and do this gofpel-light oppofe•. At lafi the gofpel cloth become their fnare, Doth them with burning hands in pieces tear. XXIV. On tlie Rijing of the Sun. LO 0 K., look, brave Sol doth peep · from beneath, ' Shews us his g()ldingJace, cloth on us br.eathe

~OR YOUTH,. 47 fea he doth compafs us around with glories, Whilil he afcends up to his highefl: fl:ories. 1 Where he 'his banner over us diiplays, 1\.nd giwes us light to fee our works and ways. Nor are we now, as at th~ peep of light, ro que fl:ion, is it day, oris it night? rhe night is gone, the ihadow's fled away, l.:nd now we are moft certain that 'tis day. And thus it is when J efus fhews his face, lnd cloth aifure us of his love and grace. XXV. .Upon the promijing Fruiifulnifs qf a Tree. \ Comley flght indeed it is to fee l A world ofbloifoms on an apple-tree: t ~ar more comely would thi s tree appear, Illts daintv blooms young apples were. But

48 DIVINE EMBL~MS , But how much more, might one upon it fee, If all would hang there till they ripe Ihould be. But moft of all in beauty would abound, If every one £hou'ld then be truly found. But we, alas ! do commonly behold Blooms fall apace, if mornings be but cold. They (too) which hang till they young apples are, By blafting winds and vermin take defpair, Store that do hang, while almQft ripe, we fee By blufr'ring winds are thaken from the tree. So that of many, only fome there be, That grow and thrive to full maturity. COMPARISON. This tree a perfect emblem is of thofe Which do the garden of the Lord compofe. Its blafted blooms are motions unto good, Which .chill affe&ions do nip in the bud. Thofe little apples which yet blafted are, Shew, fome good purpofes,no good fruits bear Thofe fpoil'd by vermin are to let us fee, How good attempts by bad thoughts ruin'd be. Thofe which the wind blows down, .they are green, ~£hew good works have by trials fpoiled been. ~ ", T

~QR YOUTH. 49 . , Thofe that abide, while ripe ~;~pon the tree, ! Shew, in a good man, fame ripe fruit will be. Behold then how abortive fame fruits are, Which at the firfr mofr promifing appear. The frofr, the wind. the worm, with time doth fhew, There flo.w from much appearance works but few. . ) o> )tXVI. Upen the Thiif. THE thief, when he cloth Ileal, thinks he cloth gain; ., Yet then the greatefr lofs he cloth fufrain: E . Co:ne . 1

50 DIVINE EMBLEMS Come, thief, tell me thy ga.ins, but do not falter, When furrt' d, what comes it to more than the halter? Perhaps, thoul't fay, the haltei" I defy; · So thou may':ll fay, yet by the halter die. Thoul't fay, then there's an end; no pr'ythee hold, · He was no friend of thine that thee fo told. Hear thou the word of God, that wiil thee tell, Without repentanse, thieves mu:ll go to hell. But fhould it be as thytl falfe prophet lays, yet nought but lofs doth come by thievifh ways. AH honeil men will flee thy company, Th0u liv'il a rogue, and fo a rogue will die. Innoeent boldnefs thou ha:ll none at all, Thy inward thoughts uo thee a villain ·call. Sometimes when thou Iy':ll warmly on thy bed, Thou art like one unto the gallows led. Fear as a conilable breaks in upon thee, Thou art as if the town was L!P to :llone thee. If hogs do grunt, ~r filly rats do rufsle, Thou art in confiernation, think'ft a buille By ~en about the door is made to take thee: And ail becaufe good confcience doth forfake thee. Thy

FOR YOUTH'. Thy c~fe is fo deplorable and bad ; Thou fhunn'fi to think on't, left thou !hould'il: be mad: Thou art befet with mifchiefs ev'ry way, The gallows groanet? for thee ev'ry clay. - Wherefore, I pr'ythee, thief, thy theft forbear., Confult thy fafety, pr'ythee have a care. If once thy head be got within the noofe, 'Twill be too late a longer life to choofe. As to the penitent tluou readefi ot: What's that to them who at repentance fcoff. Nor is that grace at thy command _or pow'r, ~hat thou !hould'fi put it off till the lafl: hour. I pr'ythee thief, thin-k on't, and turn b~:- ti~; . Few go to life, who do the gallows climb. Es

' 52" DlVINE EMBLEMS XXVII. Of the Child with the Bird on the Bz!fo· MY little bird, how canfi thou fit, . And fing ~midfi fo many thorns.? Let me but hold upon thee ~et, lv!y love with honour thee adorns. Thou art at prefent little worth; Five farthings none will give for thee~ But pr'ythee little bird come forth, Thou of more value art to me. 'Tis true, it is. fun-fhine to dav, To-mor row birds ~ill have a ft~rm; My pretty one come thou away, ·My ~ofom then £hall keep thee warm. Thou

FOR YOUTH. Thou fubjea art to cold o'nights, WHen darknefs is thy covering; At days thy danger's great by kites, How can'Il: thou then fit there and fing ? Thy food is fcarce and fcanty too, 'Tis worms and traili which thou doft eat; Thy prefent fiate I pity do, Come, I'll provide{hee better meat. I'll feed thee with white bread and milk, And fugar-plumbs, if thou them crave; I'll cover thee with fineft !ilk, • That from the cold I may thee fave. My fathers palace fhailpe thine, Yea, in it thou fhalt fii'and fing : My little bird, if thoul't be mine, The whole year round fhall be thy fpring. I'll teach thee all the notes 'at court; Unthought-of mufic tho~1 fhalt play: And all that thither do refort, Shall praife thee for it ev'ry day. I'll keep thee fafe from cat and cur, No manner o' ha rm Ihall come to thee; Yea, I will be thy fnccourer, 53 My bofom fhall thy cabin be. E 3 Rut

54 DIVINE EMB'LEMS But lo, be~10ld, the bird is gone ; • · Thefe charmmgs would not make her ytelck The child's left at the bufh alone, The bi.rd flies yonder. o'er the field~ C 0 M p · A R I. S 0 N. This child•of Chrift an emblem is; • The birds to finners 1 compare : The thorns are like thofe fins of his;- Which do fur.round him ev'ry wher-e. · Her fongs, her- fMd; and fun-fhine day, , fr.re emblems of thofe foolifh toys, Which to d'eflruClion lead the wily, The fruit of world!~ empty joys. The arguments this.child cloth chufe, . To dra~. to him a bird thus wild, Shews Chr-ifl familiar fpeech doth ufe;. To mlle to him be reconcil'd• . The bird in that !he takes her wing,. To fpeed aer from him after a:ll: Sh~ws us, vain man loves any thing,, Muc~ better than the heav'nly Gall•. XXVlii. Of

I FOR. . YOUTH.,. XXVII{. I OJ Mofi_s andhis Wife. , T H I S Mofes was a fair and comely man;. His wife a fwatthy h:thiopian: Nor did his milk-white bofom change het: fkin~ She came out thence as· black as-!he went in. Now Mofes was a type of Mofe~>' law, His wife likewife ofone that·never faw Another way unto eternal life; · There's myfi'ry then, in Mofes and his wife.. The law is very holy, juft and good,. And ~o it is efpous'd all flelh and blood·: But yet the law its goodnefs can't beHow On any thilt are wedded·thereunto. Therefore

54 DIVINE EMB'LEMS But lo, be~10ld, the bird is gone ; • · Thefe charmmgs would not make her ytelck The child's left at the bufh alone, The bi.rd flies yonder. o'er the field~ C 0 M p · A R I. S 0 N. This child•of Chrift an emblem is; • The birds to finners 1 compare : The thorns are like thofe fins of his;- Which do fur.round him ev'ry wher-e. · Her fongs, her- fMd; and fun-fhine day, , fr.re emblems of thofe foolifh toys, Which to d'eflruClion lead the wily, The fruit of world!~ empty joys. The arguments this.child cloth chufe, . To dra~. to him a bird thus wild, Shews Chr-ifl familiar fpeech doth ufe;. To mlle to him be reconcil'd• . The bird in that !he takes her wing,. To fpeed aer from him after a:ll: Sh~ws us, vain man loves any thing,, Muc~ better than the heav'nly Gall•. XXVlii. Of

' l' 'OR YO'UTH .. 51 Yea, the more eager on't, the more in danger. Be he the ma!ler ~fit or a !hanger. Bu!h, why doll: bear a Rofe, if noae mull: have it, · Who daft expofe it, yet claw thofe that crave it? Art become freaki!h ?' Dolt thee wanton play. Or doth thy tefty hu.nionr tend this way ? C'OMP.A.RIS.ON. ·This Rofe God's S.on is, with his ruddy , looks: But what's the bu!h ? whofe p,r1ck.s like tenter;. hooks, Do fcratch and daw the fineft bdy's hat1ds, Or rend her cl oaths, if fhe too near it fl:ands• . This buf.h an emblem is of Adam's 1 a er., t Of which Chrift came, when he his Father's. grace Commended to us in his crimfon blood, While he in fin!Jer• Head and nature flood. Thus Adam's race did bear this.d<Iinty rofe, And doth the fame to Adam's race expofe: But thofe of Adam's race which at i1 catch, Thetn will th.e.race of Auam daw and fcratch .. XXX. Qf I I

58 DIVINE EMBLEMS XXX. Of tlu going down of the Sun. W H A T, haft tliou run ·thy race, art . going do.}Vn ? , , Why, as one angry, doll thou on us f~own?• . Why wrap thy head vvilh·clouds, and hide thy face, As threatening to withdraw from us thy grace? 0 leave us not! V/ hen once thou hid'ft thy head, Our horizon with darknefs will be fpread. Tell, who hath thee offended, turn again: Alas I too late, intreaties are in vain.! COMPARISON. The gofpel here ha:i had a fummer's day, But in it• fun-iliine we, lik.c fools, did play; Or

FOR YOUTH. 59Or elfe fall out, and with each other wrangle, ~d did, infiead of work, not much but jangle. And if our fun feems angry, hides his face, Shall it go down, !hall night poiTefs this place? Let not the voice of night-birds us affiia, · Aad of our mifpent fummer us convia. XXXI. Upon the Frog. HE frog by nature is both damp and cold. / · · mouth is large, her belly much will hold; fits Iomewhat afcending, loves to be king in gardens, tho' unpleafantly. CoMPARISON.

'60 DINIME EMBL.!,MS C -OMPARISON. The hypocrite is like unto this Frog; .As like as is the puppy to the dog. :He is of nature cold, his mouth ts wide To pnte, and at true goodnefs to deride. And tho' the world is that which has his love, He mounts his head, as if he liv'dabove. And though he feeks in churches for to croak He neither loveth Jefus, nor his yoke XXXII. Upon tke Wipping -if -a T-op. 'T I S with the whip the bey fets up the . top, . · · , The whip does make it whirl upon its toe; Hither and thither makes it Ikip and hop : 'Tis with the. whip, the top is made to _go. CoMPARisoN.

fOR YOUTN. · COMPARISON. Our Legalifi is like this nimble top,, 'iVithout a whip, he will not duty do. Let Moles whip him, he will fkip an(i hop ; Forbea~· to whip, he'll neither !land not go. XXXIlL Upon the Pijmir~. MUST we unto the Pifmire go to fchoo1, To learn of her in fummer to provide, . For winter next enfuing? man·s a fool Or filly ants would not be made ~is guide. But, flugO'ard , is it not a fllamc to•· tLec, To ~e out-d~11e by Pifmires ? Pr 'ythe<: he:u·: F The. it . 5 .{

62 DIVINE EMB ·L1!.MS Their works (too) will thy condemnation be. When at the judgment-feat thou fhalt apBear. Budince thy God cloth hid thee to her go, Obey, her ways confider, and be wife ·: The Pif'mires will inform thee what to do, And fe t the way ~o life before thine .eyes~ · XXXIV~ .Upon , the &ggar. H E wants, he afks, he pleads his po~erty, They within door do him an alms deny. He cloth repeat and aggravate his grief; But they repulfe him, give him no relief. He begs, they fay begone: he will not hear, He coughs and fighs to fhew he flill is there ; They djf,regard him, he repeats his groans; They frill fay nay, and he himfelf bemoans. They

F OR "{O U'Tif•. 6g They .call him v~grant, and more rugged gr(Jw ; He cnes the fhnller; trurppets ot: t lfis woe . At lafi when i hey perceive he'li take no nar, An alms. they ~;ive him, without mottc delay. CO· MPARISON .. This beggar cloth refemble them that pr ay To God for mercy, and will take no nay; But wait, and count that all his hard gainfays;; Are nothing -elfe, but farthetl y delays : Then imitate him, praying fouls, and cry: There's nothing like to importunity. XXXV~ llpon th~ Horfi and his Rid~r. THERE's one rides very fagely on the road:. Shewing that he affeHs the gra:vdl mode ;. F 2 , Another

64 D I V I N E E MB L E MS Anather rides tantivy, or full trot, To fhew with gravity, he matters not. Lo, here comes one amain, he rides full fpeed, Hedge, ditch, or tniry bog, he cloth not heed. One claws it up-hill' withoudiop br check, Another down, as if he'd break hi~ neck. Now ev' ry Ilorfe has his efpecial guider: Then by his going you may know the rider. C 0 M P A R I S 0 ,N • Now let us turn our horfe into a maN, The rider to a fpirit, if we can : Then let m by the methods of the guider, Tell ev·r;· horfe how he fhould know his rider. Some go as men direct, in a right way, Nor arc they fufler'd e'er to go afl:ray: A~ with a b ridle they are govern'd well, And {o arc kept from paths that lead to bell. Now this good man has his efpecial guider: Then by his going, let him know his ri der. Another goes as if he did not care. \Vbct her ol heav'n or hell he fhould be heir. The rein, it fecms, is laid upon his neck, }dH.l he ,purfucs his way without a check. Now

lt'O'It Y"OtrTH • .Now this man (too) has his efpecial guider,. And by his going be ,may kt1ow his rider. Again, fome run, a~ if refo1v'd to di7 .Body and foul to all eternity. Good counfel they by no means can abide: They'll have their ceurfe,. whatever them be~ ·tide. Now thefe poor men· have their efpecial guider; • Were they not fools, . they foon might kno\v their rider. There's one makes head again!!: all godlinefs Thofe (too) that do profefs it he'll diflrefs: He'll taunt and flout if goodnefs cloth appear; And thofe that love it, he will mock and j eer. Now this man (too) has his efpecial guider.,, Andby his gping,he may know his rider. . ,. F 3 XXXVI . Upo1t

66 DlVlN E EMBLEM S XXXVI Upon the Sight if a Pound o/ Candles falling to the Ground: B U T are the Candles d~wn, and fcatter'd too, Some· lying here, fome there ? What !hall we do? Hold, light the candle there that flands on high, The <'•.her candles you may find thereby. Light that, I fay, and fo take up the pound, Which you let fall and fcatter' don .the ground. COMPARISON. The fallen Candtes to us intimate, ·The bulk of God's elea in their laps'd ftate, Their

FOR YOUTH. Their tying fcatter'd in the dark may be, To {hew by man's laps'd Hate his mifery. The Candle that was taken down and lighto ed, Thereby to find them fallen and benighted, Is Jefus ChriH: God by his light cloth gather Whom he will filVe, and.be tothem a Father~ XXXVII. Upon a Penny Loaf. THY price one penny is, in time of plenty; In famine doubled 'tis from one to twenty. Yea, no man knows what price on thee to fet, When there is but one penny loaf to get. COMPARISO~ • . \ ';. '\

Gg D' IVIN E EMB uEM!lCOMPARISO-N.. This Loaf's an emblemof the word.of God~ A thing of low efieem ;· before the rod Of famine 'fmites the foul with fear of death:. Be then·it is-eur all, our life,. our breath•. XXXVIII. The Boy and TYatch-maker. T HIS Wa.tch my father did,on,me befiow,. A golden one it is, but 'twill not go, U nlefs it be at an uncertainty : But as good none, as one to tell a lie. "When 'tis high day, my hand will fiand at rrine; I think there's no man's watch fo bad· as mine. Sometimes 'tis fullen, 'twill not go at all , And yet 'twas never broke nor had a fall. Watcn~

FOR YOUTH. Wtttch-maker. Your watch, tho.' it be good, thr~ugh want of fkill May fail to do according to your will. Suppo{e the balance, wheels and fpdng be good, And all things elfe, unlefs you underflood To manage it, as watches ought to be, Your wafch will Hill be at uncertainty. Come, tell me, do you keep it from the dufr, And wind it duly, that it may not rufi? Take heed ( too ) that you do not firain the fp ring; You muH. be circumfpea in ev'ry thing, Or elfe your \Vatch will not exatlly go, 'Twillftand, or.run too fail, or move too flow. COMPARISON. This boy refembles one that's turn'd from fin; His watch the curious work of grace within. The Watch-maker is Jefus ChriH: our Lord, His counfel, the direttions ot his word; Then Convert, if thy heart be out of frame, Of this Watch-maker learn to mend the fame. Do not lay ope' thy heart to woddly dufi:, Nor let thy graces over grow with rufl:, Be oft' renew'd in th' fpirit of thy mind, Or elfe uncertain thou thy watch wilt find. XXXIX. Upon

70 Dl'VIN E EMB tl:M~ XXXIX. Upon a Loofiing-glqfi. I N this, fee thou thy beauty, haft thou any; Or thy d'efeas, fhould they oe few or ~any•. Thou rnay'ft ( toe ) here thy fpots arid freckles fee, · Haft thou but eyes, and what their numbers be. But art thou blind? There is no looking-glafs Can fhew th~e thy defects, thy fpots~ or face. € 0 M P .A. R l & 0 N .. Unto this glafs we may compare the word:, For that to man affiftar:1ce doth afford, (Has he a mind to know himfelf and ftate) To fee! what will be his eternalfate.. · But without eyes, alas! how can he·ft_!e ?' Manv that feem to look here, blind men' be. This ·is the reafon, they fo often read,. Their judgment there, and do it nothing dread. XL. Oj

EOI.t YOUTH. XL. OJ th~ Lov~ if Chrijl. T H E love of Chrift, poor I ! may touch upon; But 'tis unfearchable. 0! there is none Its large dimenfions can comprehend, Should they dilate thereon, world without end. vVhen we had finn'd~ he in his zeal did fwear, That he upon his back our fins would bear. And fince to' fin there is entailed death, ' He vow:d that for our fins he'd lofe his breath. He did not only fay, vow, or refolve: to aftonifhment dill fo involve Himfelf in man' s difirefs and mifery, As for, and with him, both to live and die. To

'i'J. DIVINE EMBLEMS To his eternal fame in facred fiory, We find tha.t he did lay afide his glory, Step'd from the throne of higheft. dignity, Became poor man, did in a manger lie; Yea, was beholden upon his for bread, Had, of his own, not where-t<_? lay his head: Tho' rich, he did, for us, become thus poor, That he might make us rich for evermore. Yet. this was but the leafi of wliat he did; But the outfide of what he fuffered. Cod made his bleffed Son under the law; Under the curfe, which like the lion's paw, Did rend and tear his foul, for mankind's fin, More than if we for it in hell had been·. His cries, his tears, and bloody agony, The nature of his death cloth teftify. Nor did he of conUraint himfelf thus give. For fin, to death, that man might with h.im live. He did do what he did moft willingly, He fung, and gave God thanks, that he muft die. Did ever King die for a captive flave ? Yet fuch were ~e whom Jefus dy'd to £ave. Yea, when he made himfelfa facrifice, . It was that he J?ight fave his enemies. And, ti1o' he was proYoked to retraa His blefi refolves to do fo kind an aEl-, By