Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

9 2 B 0 0 K S, &c. \Vilfon's (Bi!hop of Sodor and Man) Sacr<> Privata, or Private Meditations and Prayers, accommodated to general Ufe, l 2mo. zs. 6d. vVilfon's Max ims of Piety and of Chti:flianity, alphabetically arranged. zs. 6d. bound. - -- Parocbialia; or, Infl:ruaions for the Clergy in the Difcbarge of their Duty, 2s. 6d. black calf, and zs. in plain binding. Whitefield's Vl orks, 7 vol. which include his Life, zl. 'Hymns. I8mo; or 12mo. ufed at the T abernacle, and other Chapels, zs. N. B. The Letters, 8 vol. Sermons, 2 vol. Tra8s, 1 vol. and Life, may either of them,be had feperate.