Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

t~the Cbief of Sinners. 97 vvith my_ felf/Vhy, horv 1nany Scriptures are there a'lainjt rn_e ?There are but three or four: ..... · - h 1 r -r ''! And cannot God ntijs t em, ana Jave rne J or 1?.1 · them F Sometir : ;; again I fhould think:>Oh, if ·£t were not for the}e three rJr fottr words; norv fJ()JTJ . might I be con;forte·d!A.nd I could hardly for– bear at fon1cti1nes, bnt to wifh then1 out of the Book. 2 ro. l'"hcn me-thought I !hould fee as if both Peter and Paul and]ohn and all the \Vri– ters,:,.did look with fcorn upon tne, and hold rne in dcrifion ; and, as if theyfaid unto n1e, All our words ,;re t-ruth,one of as rnuch force as another: It ts not we tfuit have Cltt )'Ott ojf, but · yot-t h~~'lve ' ca.ft away your jeLJ: 7here iJ no11e ~f 'our{entences thctt )'Ot~ rnujl take hold ttpom, but thefe, and fuch as tbeje: It is impojfib!e; r!Jere V rem ...'lins no more Sacnfice for fin, Beb.6. J1.itd i-t– had been better for · them not to have kiiOlVn the .; Will of' God, then after they h(/;ve knorJn it, ·to turn frarn the Holy Com;na}1dnJetit clelirz.,·cred unto them, Heb. ·I o. For the Scriptures (;an n()t· be broken, _2 Pet 2. 2 r • 1 _ 2 r1. 'rhefe, Gs the Elders of the City of Refnge, I iaw; wtre to b~ the Judges both of my care and n1e 1 wl!iie l itoo'd, with the .A– venger- of ~lood_ at 111y heels, tretnbling at tht:i!· Gate t_or: deliverance, alfo v;itl} a thou- 'fand fears and rnif1rufts, I doubt~d that they_-- would fbut rne out for ever :fofh. 20. 2 4· · ~r 1 .J ,:) ' 2r2. 1us I was confoundeq, not kno\ving .- what to do)uor ho\v to be,fatisEed in thi E q~eftion ,