Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

106 ., (!race abotouling nings ~fGod that at prefent are upon him,in ord-e-r to a new -Birth, leafr they become as E[au, even be _rejecred a{tcnti~trdJ, when tqey · w.ould inherit the Belfling. · 218.Forn.1anythere are, who in the 'day of Grace and- Mercy., defpife thofe things which are ind~ed the Birth-right to Heaven, vvho y.et when the deciding day appears,witl cry as lould as E(t.zu,Lord,Lo,·d, open to us but then, as l)tac would not Repent, no more. will God the Father.,but will hl~{, I ha·7Je ble{– ·. fod thefcj yea, and they jha/1 be bltjJed; but as · for you, Depart., )' <'~·/. n;orkers of iniqftity, Gen. 27. 23. Luke 13.2)~26, '-:7· 229· \V hen I had thus confider.ed thefe Scrip:nres,and.fonnd that thus to t1nderftan_d theru,was not againft,but according to, other Sc1,-iptnres, this fl:ill added further to my ell· couragen1ent and co!nfort, and alfo · gave a ~: great blow to that Obje8ion, to wit, . That . the Scriptures coJtldnot a6rct Jp the StilVtttifin of my StJul. And no\'V retnained only the hinder part of the ~fe1npeft,/for the thun1er was go1!e beyond me, only fome drops did · ftiU retn~in, that riovv and then would -fall tlp'on me; bl)t becaufe n1y for.mer frights and .. _angu!fh were very fore and deep, -therefore it djd oft befall n1e 1li U, as it b~f~lleth thofe that have been feared with Fire,- I thought every voice was ~re, fire; every little touch ~ would hurt my tender Confcience. · _ 230. But one day,; as I w,as palling in the