Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to tbe C/;ief of Sin11ers•. 107 Field, and that too wrth fome dailies o~. my Confcience,feai"ing' leafi: yet all was not nght, ruddenly this featence fell upon nly ~oul1 ,: '7-hy Ricrhteo1t[ne{s iJ in Hea·c}tn ; and me– thought withal, I Jaw witl~ the Eyes of ~y . . Soul Jefus Chrift at Gods nght h~nd, there I fay was ·n1y righteoufi1efs ; fo that where– ever '1 was, or whatev.er I \Vas a doing, God could not Jay of me, he lV.:lnts ntY Righteouf– nefs, for . that was juTt before him.. I alfofa~. moreover, that it was not n1y good fran1e of He~rt that 1n1de n1y Righteoutii1efs .better, nor yet my bad fran1e that n1ade my Righ~ teoufi1efs worfe; for 1ny Righteoufnefs was Jefus Chrift himfelf,the fame Jeflevday, to· day and for ever ;Heb. 1 3· 8. . 23t. No~w did n1y Chains fall offmy legs indeed,! wa~ loafed fron1 my Affiittions and Irons, my Temptations alfo fled . away; fo that from that tin1e thofedreadful Scriptures of God left offtq trouble nJe ; noww'ent I alfo home rejoycing,for the Grace and. Love of God 9 So when I can1e honlt~,I looked tO: fee if 1 could find that_Sentence 1 Thy Righte– otefnef is in fieaven; but could not find fuch a faying.,whe.refore my heart began to fink again, oi1ly that was bronght to rny rern·e'ln– brance, _, Cor-. .I. 3 3. l-ie ts made unto us gf God, vVifdom, Righteoufnefs.,Sanilification 1rrui Redemption ; by this word I faw the other Sentence true. . · 232. for by this Scripture, I faw that the Man