Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

. to the Chief of Sinners. . I r J , deny my Profeffion, though I have nothing at all for my Pains ; and as 1 was thus confide– ring that Scripture was fet before me, Pfol. 44· J 2. &c. . ~40. Now was my Heart full ofct>rnfort for I hoped it was fincere ; l would not ha-ve been withoJt this Tryal, for much ; I am comforted every time l think of it, .and I hope I ihall blefs God for ever for the teach· ing I have had by it. Manymore ofthe deal·'"''" }ngs of God towards me, l might relate~ But theft out of t he fpoi/s won in battel hav' DedicAted to maintAin th., Houfo of Gtde 1. Chron. 26. 27. _ · · THE CONCL _U SI:ON .. · 1. Fall the Temptations tbat ever 1 ' met with in my Life to queftron the Being ofGod andTruth of his Gojptl, is the worft, and worft to be born ; when this Temptation comes, it takes away my girdl~ from me, and-removeth the fou ndation frotn under me: 0, I have often t hought of that word, hAveyou~ lt~yns g irt about with TrHth; l!rrd of that, When the Foundations 11rc dtftroyed ·, what can the Righteous do? _ · 2. Sonietin1es., when after fin comnl itted, 1 .. have · look~(\ for f0r-~ Chaftifen1ent frqin the H:1nd of God, the very next that I hav'e ... • had front hiln hath ,been the diicovery .~.f ~ ~s