Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I s6 . Grace A!Jo!Jitding . his Gtace~ Somel:inles, when 'I ..have been comforted·,_ I ha~e, · c.1!led _my felf a ·Fool for my fo fink1ng ·-t1nd~r trbuole. ··And _then · a– gain when 1have bin C3ft down, rfhou'ght'I was not wife to give fuch way to comfert. With fitch ftrength-andi weignt_have·both thefe been upon ·me. · . · 3: I have wond.red m~ch a~. this on~ · thin~ . that though G.oddoth vtlit my Soul :with ne– ver fo bleffed ·a difcovery of hitnfelf, y~t 1 have found again, that V1ch hours ·have at– tended me· afterwards, that P··ha_ve been in.. mySpir.it fo filled wit-h darkne~, ·that...J could not fo much~ as. onee, conce.i~e, what that God~ . and that comfort was·, with whic;h'l have been refrefhed. · 4· I h~ve fometimes feen .··more .in a Line · of .theBi.p-le, thenlcould ·well~_ell hQ.w to-ftand. und-e.r., 'and yet at anoth~r,. tim:e, the·,: whole Bible hath been to me as dry ,as a ftick ·;or., rather mrrJeart·hath been! .fo dead and dry unto .it, that ·/ could not conceive the leaft dram of 'RefreOu_nept, . thQ~ J have look't · it-:all 0\?fro . ., . · . · . · ..- S· ~· OfaIf fears~ ,they .-.are< befi: that are· mad.e~ by the Blood qf.Chrifr ; and of~H Jor, that H : the~ f~·eeten. that is mixt with- m·ournt!lg_over Chrilf:: Oh:!.·':tis. !a·gopctly thing to· l>e on our ~nees_witl;l CnriJJ: .. i-n' ou-r , A.r~s!) ~~efgr~- __ Gq~•. ·J .. {lop~1 ~n.o.w fon1ething qf thcfe t_hin~s • ·. ·· ,. 6<. _··-J ~nd to, tl:lis day; feveq abon1Inayo11s tn· r D?Y ..,Hear~ ; 1 .J!,1_cl.i11ing ; to. .~· Uqbelief. 2. ·