Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I 60 . . Grace Abounding .· . up in G_r,ace. there~y. To ftich ·2, were any whe·r-e taken and tmprlfon'd upon thefe Ac– counts, he fl1ade it another·part of his hufi– nefs., to extend· his Charity,and gather Relief .for ft1ch of them as wanted-.., .. ' ' ' He tookgi·eat· care -to vifit the ·Sick, and ftrengthen thein againft the fugg.eftions of the · Ternpt~~' \\ hi~h at fuch times ~re very pre. valent ; fo that they . had Caufe for .ever· ~o .blefs_G~d; · who . had put i~to his heart, ~t fuch a·tune,to refcue them trom the po~er of the ·~oarin& ·Lyon;· who .fou_ght to devo~~ th·em; nor dtd-'he fpare any patnsor labour 111 Travel though to Retn'ote Counties, where he knew:,or -imagined ariy people might ftand in need of his Affiftance, infomucb, that fome of thefe Vifitations.that he made, which was twoor three every year:( f<?rne, though ina j eering manner no doubt, gave hin1 the Ep~- thite of-Bijhop Bttnyan) whilft others -envied him for his fo earneftly labouring in Chrift's Vinyard, yet the Seedof -the_Word (he all this while) fowed in the hearts of his Con· gregat ion; Watered with the Grace ·ofGod; brought forth .in abundance, in bringing in .Pifciples·to the ChurchofC~rift. . · . . Another part of his time he fpent tn re... conciling differences,)by whieh he hin~r.ed many m·ifchiefs; and fav.ed fome ·famthes from Ruine, and in fuch faU!ngs out, he was uneafie till he found a means to laboura Reconcili~tion and become~ a _perce:inaker, on