Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief.of Sinners. .. 161 on .. whoJ;U a Bletling is promifed in Holy Writ, and indeeq in do\ing this good Office, he n1ay be faid to fu111 tlphis days; it being the laft 'unde~taking of his Life, a·~ will .ap– pear in the c!o(e of this .Paper. . . When in t.h.elate Reign, Liberty 'Of Gon– fde~ce wasunexpeB:edly given and indulged· to DHienters of all Perfwafi.ons; his·piercing. it penetqued the Veil, and fopnd that,it was not for the Dilfenters fake, they. were fo , fuddain1y freed frGm the hard Profecuti~ns . ha·t had long lain. heavy upon them, and fet in a manner on an t:qual foot with .. the Church ofEnrrland,.which thePapifts were un– derrn~ning,a~d about to.fubvert: he forefaw·. aH the Advantages tha t could have redoun- ., , '-.,; " ded to the Diffenters, weuld have_been no:, m9re than what Poliphemus the M9nftrous Gif!nt ofSicily YiOuId have allow'd ·Vlyffis. viz.. That he would 'Eat his I\1en firfr, and do h~·m the favour of being Eaten laft; for although !\1r. Bunyan following tr~e Exao1ples · ofothers., did lay hold of this Lib~rty, as an acceptable thing in it felf, kno\ving ,God ·is the only Lord of Confcience, and that it is ,good at all times to do a.ccording to the di– ttates of a goodConfcience,&th~t thePreacaing the glad Tidings of the Gofp cl is beau- - tiful in the Preacher ; yet in all this he mo– ved with caution and a Holy fear, earneftJy praying for: the averting impendent Judg– ments, which .he faw like a · bla'k Tempeft .hanging