Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

2t2,. .-Grare abounding · urging thofe ~c_riptures that feem to look that way,.for the infQrcing aJid ftrengthning his Temptation. Nay, one day,as I wa.s betwixt Elftorv and Bedford, theTen1ptation was hot upon n1e,to try -if I had Faith, by doing feme Miracle; which Miracle,at that time,was thL; I mufl: fay to the Puddles. that :were in tbe · Horfe~pads, Be dry; and to the ·dry place, Be you the Puddles: And trul y,o11e time I was gc- . ing to fay fo indeed ; bu t juft .as I \Vas. about to fpeak, this thought ca1ne into ·my (nind; But go under yonder Hedge, andpray firft, that Godwould make you able: But when I had con– cluded to pray, this came hot upon me;That ifI prayed,and can1e ag~in,and tried to do it, and yet did nothing notwithftanQing, then befure I had no Faith, but was a Caft-away, and loft. Nay,thought I, if it be fo, 1will not tryyet, but 'Wil111ay a little longer. 52. So I con~inued at a great lofs; for l thought) if they only h~d Faith, whieh could do fo wonderful things, th en I concluded that for the prefent I neither had it>nor yet for time to comev:ereever like to have it.'Thus I . was toffed betwixt the Devil and n1y own Ig– norance,and fo IJerplexed, efpecially at fome ~m~s,~hat I could not t~11 what to do. . 53.About this timejthe ftate and bapp1nefs of thefe poor People at Bedfordwas tbus,in a ' .,~t,~¥, ofVsfton,prefented to me:I faw,as if t~ey w.;e .re (et on the Sunny-fide of fon1e h1gn ·. · ~fountain, there refreibing ·themfel ves with