Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief (if S-inners. 2 3:· the p!eafant .Bea:n·s_of ~he ·Sun, while~- \vas iliivering and fhftnking 111 the Cold', afRLEted with Frofi,S:-Iow,& dark ClO'uds: M.ethought alfo,betwixt 1ne and thern, I fa~ a \Vall that did cotnpafs about this Mountain ·; now thro· this·vVall my Sou1 did greatly de fi re to pafs .; -concluding, t~1at if I cdl1ld, I would go even". into the very n1idft of then1, _and th_ere alfo· comfort n1y felfwith the heat of the1t _Snn .. · 54· About this Wan I thought my felf, to go a_l)ain and aga~ri, frill pi·yjng as I \Vent to fee 1f I could find fon1e W?Y-or paffage, by· which I might enter ther~,m; but none could I find for fon1e tim'e: ¥the L1ft, I faw, as it ~ were,a narrow gap 1 like a little d~or way, in · theWall,through.which I attempted to pafs :· Now the paifage being V'ery ftrait and nar– row, I made many offerS' to get in, but all iT(· . _Yain,even until I ·was well nighquite beat out' by fl:riving to get in; at laft with great frri-. ' · ving, methought I at firft-did get intnyHead, . · andafter that,bya fideling ftriving,-myShoul- - · ders and my "'hole Body: 'Then was I ex- · ceeding glad, and went and fat dovvn in the midft ofthem,and fo was cotuforted with the - light and,heat of their Sun. · ., . 55.Now this Mountain and WaU,&c. was thus made out to me; tlie Mountain fignified . the Church of the living God ; the Sun that · fhon~ thereon 1 the comfortable fuining of his merciful Face on them that were therein;the :Wall I thought was the Word, that did make · · B 3 fepara~