Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

r " 5o Grace A!Joundi11g heIpunto·me.,.lJecauflllive,yott jludllive ~lfo,. Joh. 1 4· 19. But thefeWords·were but Hints, Touches; and lhort Vifits, tho' very fweet vv hen f)refent, only tl1ey Ldled not; .but, like to Peter's Sheet , of a fuddtn were cat:ght up from me, to Heaven again, Acrs 1 o. I 6. · r 14. But afterwards the Lord did more fully and gracioufly difcover hirnfelf unto me, and indeed, did quite, not only deJiver me fro.tn the guilt that, by thefe things, \vas laid upon n1yConfcience,bnt alfo fro1n the vciy filth thereof; for the Ten1ptation was remo– vecJ, 2nd I was put into n1y right .Mind again, as oth r ChrHlians were. I 1 5. I ren1cmher that one day, as I \Vas trJve1 Ling into the Country, ' and mufing on the \Vickedncfs aild Blnfphemy of n1y Heart, and·conf.idtring of the en ::nity th~t was in me to Go:J; that ~cripture came in My1v1ind . He hath made peace by the Blevd ofhis Crofr, Col. I. 2 o~ By which I was made to fee, both again and again,. that day, that ·God and my Soul were Friends by this B!ood; yea, 1 raw·that the Juftice of God., and n1y finful Sod, could etnbrace and kif:) each other through this Blood. T'his was a good day to n1e; I hope r f11aU not forget it. . I I 6. At another time, as I \Vas fet by the fire.,in n1yHoufe~and n1ufingon myWretched· r1efs,the Lord n1ade that aHo a preciousWord unto me; ForcifrJJttch then as the Children are part11kcrs ofjlejh aud bload, he a!fo hirJJ[clj lik~~~ Wtp