Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the C.hiefofSinners.·· S;<l:~ wife took part ofthe fame, th~t thro;zgh death;, he--:– tr~ight dej1roy him that has the porper ofdeath,that · · ,is, the·Devil; and delive-,· tho{e who through the' fear 'of de!lth were all tbe ,·r Life fubje8: to ban.,. ~ dage, Heb. 2. I 4,1 5• I thought that the Glory·,· ( ot thefe Words was then fo vveig.hty on ·me; that I wasbothonce and twice ready to fwoon , as I fate; yet not · with Grief ~nd Trouble, but with foHd ' Joy and Pea:~e. ' 117 - . At this time alfo .I fate undertne Mi_; ~ n1fh y of holy ML Gfford, whofe _Docrrine,by God'sGrace, wa::; tnuch for myStabHity. 1"'bis Man made it tnuch his hufinefs to deliver the · People ofGod from an tbofe falfe and t1n..: foundl'efts, that by nature we are prone to .. .. He w(ou1d ·bid us take fpecial heed; that Vf~ .. took not t1 panyT·ruth npon ~rruft ; as fron1 this, or that, or any other Man or IVlen: but::: to cry tnightily t~ God, that he vvould con– vine~ us vf the reality\ thereof, and ·fet : us ;. down therein by his E>vVn Spirit, in the Holy Word ; ., For, f&id he;, if )'OU dp>~Jtherwife- rrhen ·· Temptations come, ifflrongly, younot havirg: .. ~ rcccz'ved them With evidencefror~J · f-lettVtn, Wilt , jmd you roant that help·and jfrent,th, now. to re- ·· ' Jiff, that ·onceyou thouaht JouJuldQ, . · · 1 1 8. This was as feafonable to n1y Soul, as ·. the former :and latter Rain in their fecafon; for I ·had found,: and th'lt by '.. experience., t ~ 1e · .truth of thefe his Wordrs; .(for I had felt, no , . man can (ay, e(peciaHy vvhea ten1pted of the .· Devil) thtit .'Jefm. Chri/t is Lord.; bt~t . bJ. theHc~y ·{ ' ~·· 5 ·: Gif-Jo[i) )