Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

race a o tng, I 36.Sotne\imesit v¥ould run inmy thoughts; not fo ]ittie as a hundred times together, Sell him, [ell fJi m., _{ell him: againft whieh, I n1ay fay., fo r whole I-Iours together, I have been forced to !land as continually leaning -and for .. cing n1y Spirit againft it, left haply, before I \V ere aware, fotne rvicked thought 1night arife in my heart,that I might confent thereto: and -fon1etimes alfo the Tempter would 1nake me believe I had co~fented to it, but then ·fhould I be as tortured upon aRack for v.;hole Days together. r37· ThisTeri1ptati0n did put me to fuch fcares)left I fr'lould, at fon1e tin1es,I fay confent thereto, and -be overcon1e t r,erewith, that by very force ofn1y1nind,in b bouring to gainfay and refift this Wickednefs, 1ny very body would be put into Action,or n1otion, by way of pufhing or thrufting \Vith tny bands or el– bows ; fiill anfwering, as fa.ft as the D~/lroyer faid, fell hhn,: I will not, I will not, I tvill NOt~ I rPi!l not , no, not for thoufands, thoufands, thou– {:tnds ofWcqfds: 1....hus reckoning,lell I fhould, in the rnidfi: of t-hefe afEH1lts,fet too low a va.. lue on hin1 , even. until -I ft~arce well knew where i was or hovv- to be con1oofed again. ! '-" r 38. At thefe fcafons be would not let me 'at n1y ·food at quiet ; but, forfooth, \Yhen 1 was fet at the Table at n1y fvleat, I muft 'go heoce to pray; I mufr leave n-1y food now, jn ft no~x:.; fo cou ntet;fei t holy alfo \Vould this . Devil be.~~: vVhct1 I vvas thus tctnpted,l fi1ould .;::· fay