Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief of S h 1KC!.f,. . ' ·' ., 1 4.9· And now \\rasI both a bur thcnand a terror to n1y felf ; _nor did l ever ft:~ kno·w ~as now, \V hat it vva s to be weary of D1' " 1ife.>and yet affraid to die. Oh, hotv gladly novv ,would I have been any Body but 1ny fel f ! A– ny thing but a Ivian ! and ia any condition but mi ne own ! For there vvas nothi9g did pafs !llore _frequently ? Ve r my rnind, ~han that It was unpoffi ble ror n1 c to be forgtven my Tran(grefiion, and to be faved fron1 "Vrath to come.. . 150. And now I beg~~ to labour to call a– gain time that was paft ·; \Viibing_a t houfand times twice told,that the-Daywas yet to come;, when I il1ould be tempted to fuch a fi n ; con– cluding, with great indignation, bot hagainft n1y heart, and all affaults, how I wquld ra– ·ther have , been torn in pieces,- t han found a confenter thereto. But, alas ! ,t hefeThoughts, and Wifl1ings, and Refol vings, were now too too lat~ to help me: the Tho~ght had paired my Heart, God hath let tne go, and I .am. fallen. 0! thought I, thAt it was with m~ llS in months p~tfl, as in the days wh1n God prefi :.. ved me, Job 29. 2. . . 1 51 . ·Then agaht, being loth and unwilling . to perilh, I began to compare my Sin with o– thefs, to fee if I could 'find any of thofe that are fa ved, had done as I had done. ·So I con– fidered David's Adultery and Murther, and found then1 moft heinous Crimes; and thofe too comn1itted afterLight andGrace receiy'de