Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I) 6 Gr"rce abcU;tding Bnt ye.t, by confidering, I perceived that his ~rranfgreffions were o~1ly fuch as were againft the Law of l'viofcs; frotn \Vhich the Lord , Chrift could, with the confent of hh \1\l~d del~ver hitn: But n~ in~ was againfi: Gofpcl ~ _ _yea, -?ga.infr .the l\1ediator thereof; I had fold my Savtour. - I) 2.. Now again fl1ould I be as if racked' upon the \Vheel,when I. confidered, that be– fides the gnilt that poffeffed me, Ifhould be fo void of Grace,fob~witch'd. What,thought I, n1u.ft it be no Sin but this? Muft it needs be the.gr.eru tral;fgrcJJon? Pfa]. t 9· I ~. Muf1 that ~Vicked one touch my Soul? 1 J'ohns:t 8. Oh, vVhat ftings did Ifind in all tllefe Sententes! ' I~3 . \'Vhat, thought I, is there ln1t one Sin ·that.J!S unpardonable? Bnt one Sin that layeth . the SJul without the reach bf God?s I\1ercy; And n1uft I be guil_ty of that? l\1uft it need-s• be that? Is there but on·e fin among fr! many Millions of Sins,for which there is no forgiv– Defs ; and n1uft I co1nmit thi.s? Ob, ~mhappy Sin! Oh, ltnhappyMan! Thefe things ~ould fo break and confound mySJ>irit 7 that I could not tell what to do; I though t , "~t times, they would have broken1yWits; and frill to ag· grav~·He my tniftry, ' that would run ~n my mind. 'J'ou kn()W how that afttrrrards, when he would have inherited the bleffing,h.e was rejeCled– Oh, none knows the 1~errors of thefe Days but my felf. i )4· After