Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

··68 Grace a!Jouncling, .not fbffer then1 to fall wi~hout theRange of · Mercy: But as for me,I was gone, I had done · it; he would not peferve me, nor keep me. but IiJffered n1e)becaufe I was a Reprobate t~ , fall as I had done. Now did thofe bleffed Pia– , ces, that fpeak of God's keeping hi~ People ~ fhine like the Sun before n1e,the' not to corn~ ·fort me, yet to fhew me the bleffed ftate a·nd heritage of thofe whotn the Lord had bldfed. I s8. Nov;,I faw, that as God had his hand in all Providences and Difpenfations that , over... Iook his 't:lett,fo he had pis hand in all the Temptations that they had to fin againfl: l1in1; not to animate them unto W ickednefs, but to chufe t,h~ir Tetnptations andTrouble ·for then1; and a1fo to leave then1,for a time, to fuch fins only, as might not deftroy, but hutnblethem; as n1~htnot put-them beyond, · but lay them in the Way of the renewing of his Mercy. ·But Oh,what love,what care.,what kindnefs and mercy did I now fee mixing it felf with.the 1noft fevere and dreadful of all God'sWays to his People ! He would letDa· vid, HeZwekiah, Solomon, Peter, :and othe'rs fall, but he would not let them fall into fin nnpar– don;;t ble,nor intoF eH for Sin. Oh, thought I, thefe be the n1en that God hath, loved, thefe be the £nen that God, tho' he chaftifeth them, keep_s thern in fafety by hin1; and themwhom be makes to abide under the fhado-w of the Ahnighty. But all thefe thoughts .'added for~ .row, grief and horror to me)as. whatever J now · · .. .. · thou