Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

I IÓ Fal(e SignsofGrace. S sc T. III. grace,tobe nomorethen a tinklingCymbal', thatmay makeapleafant noife for thewhile to the ear, but prefentlÿpaffech away, I Car. I. t4. And thisare all men of parts and gifts, they may be likea pleafani Song toothers, but they them- felves have nobenefit : Men may preachwell, expound Scriptures, write excel. lent Comments, yet for all this, be but like Harps or Viols, that give a melodi- ous found to others,but perceive noneof it themelves;Whereas truegrace is pro.. fitable to him that hath it, it watereth his heart in whom it is, and makes it fruitfull: It beginneth an heaven inthis life, yea, ftrangers and others, are not able toenter intohis joy. Ufe of Exhortation, Not any longer to look upon theft gifts and abilities, as themolt excellent things, but beperfwaded there is a better way, anddelire that. Thisaffiftance is like the rain that God vouchfafeth to the bad, aswell as to the good : Only thy condemnationwill be themore terrible, by howmuch thouwert the morefecure of heaveo,and yet didlt mils it:thofomen urged they had propht tied and wrought miracles in Chills name : but alas,the prophane and ungodly man, what will he fay ? We have been drunk in thy Name, uncleanin thyName, how abfurd andblafpheming would thisbe? Therefore miede the things of morti& cation more thenof parts and afiì.ftance; fay now, Iknow God will and doth love me indeed, when he makes me fruitfull in all holinefle. UM.V"'. 'd; ctSEG" SERMON XXI. Fully clearing that there may be afeSions andfeet motions of Heart in holy thing , whichyet evidence not Grace , nor accompany Salva,. tion. HEB. 6. g. But (beloved) we hope better things ofyou, and things that accompany sal- nation. THeText Nathanadverfative refpetl to the verfes precedent , as the HI word (Bat) plainlydenoteth: For it is put inby way of mollifying and fattening, after chafe fevereand terrible expreffìonsthe Apoftlehad nfed before.At the4.verfethere isan Hypothetical Propofition,containing Beneficìnm DOi, rhogoadne[s andmercy of God: and Maleficiumhomini, rite ingratitude of man, with the fentenceor judgement upon him. I (hall not now fpeak to thatcon. troverfal matter, which is ufually debatedby thelearned upon thefewords: you maybriefly obferve the merciesof Godbeftowed upon this fuppofed Apoftate re- clued to two heads Firft, That which concerneth his intellcdhuals,in that exprelion, Enligh- tened, Secondly, Thofethat relate tohisAffe tionatepart: andherein are molt par- ticulars, via. taftingofthe heavenlyGift, partakersof the Holy Gholt, callingof the