Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S a c r. III. - Fadf Signs of Grace. IT' the goodwordofGod, andthe powers òf the world to come. Thefe things (Godwilling) fhall be more daintily handled when we fhafl difcóurfe of the Graceof Converfion, and the counterfeit of it, ( and then we (hail vindicate the Orthodox interpretation from all corrupt oppofitions) In the Second place, yod have the Ingratitude, or micleednefs of the man abufing there mercies, and thatis, cgorsoóv.ms, which maybe provedof anuniverfal Apoftacy , not a fall in fume particular grofs fin , Teti, in town, de toto , as 3anirre : which miftake made the 2(pvwtúmr deny any Church- reconciliation to lapfed finners,and which made the Roman Churchdelay the receiving of thisEpiftle into the number of Canonical. In theThird place, there is the heavie dome of fuch, It is imp Jfible to renew them again duxoult0v, the word is ha the Altive fente, acrd fignifieth there areno Thee- chess,no Doftors, noMiniftry, no Sermonscan ever inftrumentaly reduce them togodlinefs : and the Apolile faith, it is impofflble, not abfolutely to God, no in that fence, as it is impoffible for every man by nature ofhimfelf to recover out of his fins, Peeing that it is common to every natural man, but here he fpeaketh of a fpecial impoffrbility. Therefore its impcffible from a fpccial decreeofGod,where- by he Both threaten to Inch abufers, and contemners of his Grace and mercy; a to. tat fubftra&ion of all his favours, and goodnels from them : even as a branchonce grafted in, andafterwards disjointed is hardly capableof a fecond coalition. Now this the Apolile t. Aggravateth from the carafe , becaufe they crurifie the Sonne of God afreili, viz, as much as lyettt in them if they be reftored , there mutt be a newChrifl,ot a new oblationof thrift, Thofe that fall in a.ifdamChrift repair- eth, but ifa man fall off from Clara, and rejedh him, there is no further reme- dy appointed by God, bar fuck are in as hapeleffe a condition as the Apoftate Angels. a. He illidfrateth by the earth, drinking in rain, yet bringing forth chafes, which is near to carting. Now having thus wounded them, and powrrd fait in in their wounds, at IA be powreth oyl to (apple them, telling them that he cloth not think they are theftApoftates, partlybecaufehis judgement is they have bet- ter things then theft, partly becaufe God ii jaft and faithful!, and will therefore pedal the goodwork begun in them f My Text is the hell mollifying expreflion, wherein youhave, a. The Apoffle hischaritable judgement expretfed by nsarrletu9a, which accord- ing to the fubjeft matter is fometimesto be underftood of fuch a divine faith and hope that cannot be deceived, fometimes of filch a certainty as we have by charitable coulirudlion and morall prudence, and in this kirfe it is taken here, a.. There is the objedhof thischaritable jrdgement, better things, that is, better thingsthen thole fore- mentioned benefits(though feeminglyvery gtorious) which hypocrites may have,' and at lait fall away; better then to be utterly inlightned, bettet thence, haves tafleonly, and roux fwect affe&ions in holy things, and for better explication fake, he addeth, and things that accompany /alvation, i ei dro, hartariaJaluti, faith "Lain, that cleave to falvacian, that cannot be disjoyned from it : fuch things as whofoever hath, cannot but be laved, implying that thofe D°"- mod- benefits though they weregood thingsand giftsofGods Spirit,yec were not necei- Sweet heart farilyaccompanying falvatton., of heart in holy things That although aJfellions andfloret mótioas of beast in holy things are much ',dyed notinfallible upon as evidences ofgrace sad ¡alvarion, yet they, arenot indeed any trueAntorin- evidences of fourbis tefliáxeniu. grace. This Point needeth a powerful! and a wary difcovery : Therefore for explica- t . Whist mo- Lion fake, l r usconfider what religious affeetions and motions the Scripture de- piare deda- clarech to be in fome, who yet are not truly regenerated. The known and famous reth to be con- inftance is carat, 13. 20. 'where the third kinde of hearers is faid to receive the figent with wordwith joy. This is talking the goodWordof God, finding fame fwèetneffo unregenerate.: Q.. 3 and acte.