Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

SBcr.III. Faófe Signsof Grace. 125 David, becaufe he calledhimLord, which was only to draw out his adverfaries themore. In likemanner AFlag. therewas a famous Councel gathered toge- ther, when Doubts in Religion troubled the Church, and in this Councel there was nó7.1) w(órsms much di(pnting; foat another time we reade of Paul, that he was 0142 ' proving out of the Scripture fome truth ; the word fignifieth by aftrift comparingand knittingof one place toanother. And for this reafon it is that God doth fuffcr heretics and falfe dodrines to be rented, that. the truth may be more refplendent,by having all tuft filed off; M in times of perfecutions God dothexercife patientiam Ecciefia, the patienceof the Church; fo in time of heretics hedothexercife /apientiam, the wifdorn and skill oftbeChurch. But now whenwe fay, Difputations in Religionare neceffary, and fometimes Limitations. aduty, you mull boundthis feveral wayes. As Fidt, In the Objefl matter, if itbe inmatters ufefull and profitable. The Apo- - I. file condemnethdifputations meerly upon this , becaufe they profit not, though Asto the mat- theydonot fo vifibly hurt and deflroy, yetthat is enough, ifthey do not profit. ter. 9Jifputare is asmuch as tocut off fuperfluous branches; Now if the difpucation it felf be a luxuriant branch, that múftbe cut off. The Scripture fpeaks of the tönhcto be acknowledgementoftruthafter godlineffe. All light intbeunderíhanding ought to uCefwll. produce heat and warmth in the affe lions. a. It modbe inmatters revealed in Godsword. Wemull not prie beyond thofe Revealed in things that are written. The Apoftle condemneth fome that didÉuparet,,v, Go á the wood of tip -toe, like a man afting ina Tragedy, andarrogantly intruding into thofe things God. he bath not feen. The Papillamake a wicked Allegory ofthe bean that might sot touch the mountain, when the Law was delivered, if it did, it was to die. This they apply to a Lay-mans readingof the Scripture ; but we may better referre it to their Schoolmen, who though theywere never wrapt up into the third Hea- vens, yet writeofAngels, as ifthey had been there. Secondly, For the Manner, Difjutations ought tobe Wholly in reference to pia- - II. dice , not in parties, toraife new fees, to get viftory, but wholly to increafe As to theman. in the power of godlineffe, otherwife difputations are but likemuch fretting, tact. that eataway the flefhofgodlìnef%, and bring it into confumpti,n,; and truly rente to pra- it is much tobe lamented, to feehow godlineffe is decayed, mortification Ion- ¿tire. guilheth, fine fo much quarrellingandwrangling in matters of Doftrine. It is reportedof Bellarmine by Fsligattus inhis life, ,;Zuodá fludid Scholaflica Theo- logiaaverteretnrferi naufeabundoes, quondamfacto carebant liquida pietati5. He didwith loathing turn from the Rudy of SchoolDivinity, becaufe it "wanted the juiceof fweet piety. All Religion is praitital, it is foodnot tobe looked up- on, but eatenand digefted. Thirdly, TheSnbjetl ought alfo to be qualified, one Whi ¿table and wife, iénder- flanding what the true flareoftheDollrine is,not a David in Sauls Armour. It's a As to the fob. miferable thing to fee how Many difpute about tiniverfal Redemption, Free, jean. Grace, Juflification, Predeftination &c. who et are nomore able to wield One that un. Y ofththe thole Doftrines, thena Pigmycould Goliah's Armour ; we molt not attempt hate; of the things aboveour ftrength. With thefeand many the like Qualificatións,Difputa- Do&dne: tionsinmattersof Religionare lawful); fo that in all therewe do not manifef# afcepticaldoubrfullheart; as ifnothing werecertain (which Iam afraid is the temperof too Many inthefedayes) as iffaithwerenot .6.imoo fiAçyxe9 7h7roi3t ers and tMe+oopla, a fubitance, evidence; perfwafion and full affurance and Con: fidente. Thirdly; ItWill alwayes fallout, that even in the ChurchofGod, there Will bedif. ;. There will ferentjudgements and opinions, becaufe We knowbat, in part, and areffiritual in of alwayes bedif- feeZions, butin part. So that howfoever Godpath promifed to had his children it ferent' ,judge- to all truth, yet they are no more freed from all errour, then from all frene eitch the ánd as theSpirit of God fanftifying ismore powerfull in fume thenin others; So alto the Spirit of Godenlightmng and direling into truth; is more effeftualI in R 3 fome