Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

E C T. III. ¡34 Falfe Signs ofGrace. S g. Leafy, Therefore are menfo confidenr in thefe things, Becaufe to many thefe Ie is inflifted delufions come by way of a judgement jr a ahufi g former light, andnot receiving the upon manyasa truth in the love ofit. Thofe four hundred fal fe Prophets in "Mall time, are judgement' thought by thelearned to be true Prophets at firit; and tech as were in thecompany and Colledge ofthe other Prophets ; but abuuing that gift to the pleafrngofmen, and feeking themfelves, they were ¡ally by Goddelivered up to Inch a falfe way. ' And that they were hardened in this deceitful' y/ay, appeareth by Zedekiahs im- pudence , a /Golf,. az.a4. Whenhe flroolf Micharah upon the cheek, /aying, n'bich way ,vent the ifirit from me to thee ? Thus if there be Revelations among the. Pa- pills, as they bragg ofthem, What is the fruit oftheta, but to confirm them more in believing ofa lye? And where fpirìtual judgements are, they makefecure, and full offelf-flattery. Reafons for Now therufous whywe are not to relyon thefe, are non-reliance Fitt Recau ¡e that cannot le themarkofa godly man, Which is not the note of a uyon theft morions. Church. Now although Bellarminemake LumenPropheticum, Prophetical light t. a mark of the true Church, and would prove that weare not the true Church, They arenot besaufe we have no Prophets, or Revelations amongft us, as they have : yet the marks ofa Orthodox do reply, that even falle Prophets may have prophetical illuftrations, as Church. is before quoted,Teut. t3. r. and certainly Bahama wasa wicked man, yet for all that, he had a fpiritual Revelation fromGod. Yea, and Caiaphas,one of the wont of men,yet it is laid he prophefied,becaufe he was high Prìefi' that year: Therefore though thou had! prediétions, divers Raptures, and extaticat illuminations, yet thefe are no lure mark of thy good condition r and facing men unfandtified, may by the Holy Gholl work wonderful) things, is it fuch a Itrange thing if they may altohave feveral raptures ? 2. Secondly, Neither may their be regarded, Becaufe fuch pretended illuminati- They are con- osi, are corfifient with the works ofangodlinefs, andinjuftice,.e appeareth Math. 7. liillent with the Th%thatprophefed in Chrifts name, wereyet workers ofiniquity. Spanhcimiueout worksof nn ofSleidan bath ftveral inflameslikewife to confirm it, Inhie art 1,-i tar of he A- riyhreoufnefs. f y ft nabaptifts, Therefore the farcItdifcoveryof Gods 1p/nt in us, is not by anypre- tended Revelations,raptures, or ferret conference with God, but by holinef, hu- militie, and a converfation jutifiable by Scripture rules : Therefore what the Apo- file laid of all outwardceremonial worfhip, Bodily exercifeprofeteeh little, and op. poleth it to godlinefs ; fo we may lay, This foul exercifeprofiteth lime, and op= pole it togodlinefs: but godlinefs is profitable to all things. Vfe ofmilruc`tion, todire& us between tworocks: Take heedof being found 7Jfe. Take heed of r, in the number ofthofe that Icoffat the Spirit , and the workings thereof,con- feeth a he demningall the godlyforEnthulratls and llluminiffs. This is the rode of pro. workingsofthe phane and fuperilinious men,that cannot abide the very wordofthe Spirit. This piri,, is to go faron in the way to the fin againft the Holy Ghoft: and then on the other fide take heed ofa contrary error, that under the pretence of Revelations, thou defpife the Scriptures, the Miniflry, and theOrdinances. If Satan cannot Induce thee the former way,thenhe fees upon thee in the latter way.We might out ofEc- clefialhical hiftory, giveyou large Milantes of the fad ruins that have corne upon many, being thus carried away : though upon tomeGod had mercy, and recover- ed themousoffuch delufions.Be not therefore credulous; be afraid left God fhould leave thee; takegreat cownfeland advice, that thou mayttnot befeduced. SERMON