Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

I Falfe Signo of Grace. S n c T. III: 444.44: : v t 4 X SERMON V. Shelving that, and whence men have fuch f rong Peifzvafons of their exact keeping of gods Lam. MAT. 19.20. Theyoung man faithunto hins, vlll theft things have I kept trammyyouth up: What lack Iyet ? HisText is a remarkableHiaory, wherein many excellent praéìicall do- Chinesare contained. The whole (cope being to reprefenta man that bath good affeßions and defires forheaven, yet becaafe of TomeProng corru- ptionand temptation violently detained from it ; for in the dole of the Hiftory hegoeth away, not reviling and raging at Chrif, as the Pharífees ufed to do, but .*í? cos, exceedingforrowfull, and as .Mark hath it seyváos , as fadly affcfted, as the sky feemeth to be, when it'sblack with clouds, and threatens rain ; fo that in this pollutewith Chnil he is like the Poets Medea, or likeAriflotles incontinent perfon, who bath great convisLion,, but Prong corruption. In the Hitory obferve the `perfon and his,eflionpropounded: The perfon, as appeareth by theHarmony ofthreeEvangelilts was a rich man,agreat man in pow- er and place,and a youngman: All which threewere fore temptations toprejudice him againl Chril and his way : Yet byhis ueffion it teemed hewas not altoge- ther prophane and worldly, forhis defire is to known'hat he might do to have eter- nalllif. In which Queftionalthough we may perceive a Pharifaicall leaven in him, thinking by works to be laved, yet there appeareth for the main a good defire in him. Our Saviour intending tobeat down his Pharifaicall confidence, which is as great an enemy toChril as Publican unnes, fire reproveth him forhis compel- lation, and then an(wereth his QueLion. His reproof is, why callen thou me good, there is nonegood but god ? Chril refu!ed this title, partly becaufe he cal- led himgood inno other leak, then as tome eminent and ungular Prophet, not as indeed the Son of God : but efpecially to teach the youngman that he was whol- ly corrupted, and therefore whatfoever good is in us, is to be acknowledged, as coming from God ; it is his gift, it is noneofour work, In the next place our Saviour direlts him to,kecp the Commandemenes, inftan- cingnotintheCeremoniall,but the morall, nor in themorall duties that relate to God, but that belong toour neighbour, which were moll vulgar, that herebyhe might teach this Pharifaicall man, that he never yet performed any one Com- mandment aright. Thereforethe ignorance and the arroganceof thisyoung man in the text is remarkable; kill theft have I kept from my youth up; he thought he hadkept not Tomebut all, and thatftom his youth up, as loon as ever he couldaft -with reafon; fome Expoutors think,' that he grolly lyed againl his own confci- ence inPaying fo : but that is not likely becaufe Mar/ faith Curia loved him, upon this fpeech, and that could not be if he were fuch a diffembler; and if you take the