Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

THE CONTENTS, to hear my words, then they fhould have turned them from their evil ways, and from the evil of their doings. Of the Minifteryof the word, as the means of Converfion, with the other endstheredf, cjc. SERMON. LXXXIV. Why Gods power unto Converfion, Both not always go along with hisword, though difpenfedbya faithful Ministry: And whether corrupt or prophane Minifters may be a means of Converfion. SECT. X. the nature of á5pice, unber tl)e ZemfOton of Taking away the Stony Heart, Givinga Heart of Flefh , ana, Writing Gods Lawsin the Heart, bold;)forcoltnterfett tl)ere0f. SERMON LXXXV. Ezek. 32.26, I will takeaway theflony heart out ofyourflefil, and Iwill giveyou an heart of fte/h. Difplayeth Gods Suveraignty and Dominion over the hearts of men. SERMON LXXXVI. Of the Heart of Scone, and what wickednefs that nameimplyes. SERMON LXXXVII. Of Godsmaking a true Converts heart tender and flexible for eve- ry duty : Alfo, what Heart offell) imples, with the effects and confequencies of it. SERMON LXXXVIII. Holding forth inducements to get this promifed Heart of flefh : Al- fo,fhewing the counterfeit of it. SECT. Xl. VanDlingd6race UnDer tl)e J3Ottonof Gods puttinghisSpirit with- in us, ono Caufing us to walk in his ftatutes. SERMON LXX XIX. Ezek.36.27. And/ willput myfpirit within yoga, and taufeyou to walk in mygames, andyou /hall keepmy judgements, and do them. Of Gods giving his Spirit to a man, and what that promife im- plies: Alfo, of theoperations and effeEls of the (pint of God, where it fo corner. S a R Mo N