Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S a çjx. I. The Dolirine,,Duty,andUfefulnef.fof flfrbrance. virgins love thee Chrift in bis Ordinances doth asMary, open ¿box ofointment, which diffufeth á fpiritual favour inChurch- Affemblies to the godly, and this only theexperimentalChriftian feels.Chryfoflom fometimes in his Sermonsfpeak- ing of themore hidden and choice principles of the Chriftian Religion, ufeth this phrafe, Sciuntinitiati quiddico, Thofe that are initiated or admitted into our myfteriesknowwhat I mean. Thus allo may theMinifters of God,preach- ingeither of the bitternefs of finne , the fadnefs of fpiritual defertions, or the unfs of Chrift , the fweetnefs of his fellowthip and communion, fay, The praftifed, exercifed Chriftian knoweth what I mean formal cuaomary Chrifti- ans are 4rangers unto that vertue and efficacy whichis communicated in fpiritual Ordinances. Cant.4. t 2. The Church is compared to ¿gardenfhut up, a fountain Paled, which is tobe undetftood not o-n[y torelpeet of thedefence and proteeli- on God vouchfafeth his Church, that none can deftroy her; but allo, becaufe ftrangersand wicked men arenot able to drink of her delicacies, or fm ell of her fweetnefs. A fpiritual Sermon is a Fountain fealedup, the fpiritual adminiftrati- on of a Sacrament, is a Garden inclofed; formal notional Chriftians underíand nor, or perceive the full fweetnefs thereof. Therewere many people in a throng and coold about our Saviour, but the infirm woman onely felt efficacy ço_rae from him : fomany mayattend theOrdinances, frequent the Affemblies, but force fevinly finde the inward power of Chrift derived unto their fouls : As therefore Thom,u, ihoúupon an gr)ound, Paid, He would not believe Chrill tobe rifen, unleffe hefaw his Wounds; and pus his fingers into them: So neither do thoubelieve thyeftateto be good and found , unleffe thou mayeft fee and feel the efficacy ofChrift in bis Ordinances upon thee. flufiin fpeaks Au[lin. A6. ao. experimentally ofthisfatnefs and fweetnefs in Gods Ordinances, 4liguando in- Confef.tap.4o. tromittismeDámineinaffefiummultuminufitatumintr arfru, adnefcioquam dulce- dinemd qua fiperficiatur in me, nefcio quiderit, quadvita ifia nonerit. Secondly, Ey thisprat- ical knowledgeand exercife thou wilt be taken off ieucr, I I. a!1 nee awlvain diffuetátions inmatters of Religion, and Wilt be more folicitous Is taken off at been, in is ownheart. In former times when the eople ofGod were búfre from needlefs about the touchffone and trial of race in the they did not Taunchhoout and vorn di- intoRichdee and un roftable ne(îions, b owof latefincebelievers have lookmore tto bu to tliemfIves indípfputes and controverfies, and new opinions , this prafti- his own heart. cal knowledge ofgrace is much ne4Tèded, ÿóu fhall findemen fooner uisnQ about faith then livia 'Ty faith, talkányofheavenly- ìindednif thnbein di o:noted. thas the trees in Godsgarden fproutupintofuckers andbarrenboiihs, andbear 'ittlefruit upon them, t Tim.6.4. The Apofle dothexcellently defcribe Inch a temper, he Gals it Doting ¿hoot Zrflioes, oras it is in theGreek, Sickand lan- gui/hing; Even as much fretting and vexation confumeth the flefh of the body, fodoproudand vain áffeéiationsof new opinions pine away the foul. What is this but to th''ik that aform maybecome bread, and aferpent fifb ? As it is a Mini- fiersduty to preach only thofe things that are profitable, The fewer Went oast to Jrsegood feed, not poffon, or empty chaff ; fo it is alb required of private Chri- ftians, that they do think, conferre of, and Study thofe things only that may edileandprafticallybuild up their fouls. I would not hereby difcourage an indeavour in Chriftians togrow in knowledge. The Apoftle reproveth fome for being babes, and that he could not fpeak unto them as fpiritual but as carnal, only they muff know, thatfaith bath efficacious purifying albs as well as know- ingalts, and therefore our increafe mull beequal both quoad notitiam, and ee caciam, inrefpeft of knowledge and efficacyalfo. A Chriftian may grow either uoadámplitudinemfcientisorefficaciamfcienrie, the inlargement of his know- ledge both in refpelbofthe matter, bemay know more things then he did, as allo in themanner, more clearly, evidently and firmly then be did, orelfe in the efficacy of hisknowledg,though he do not more risings then he did,yet heknow- eth themmorepraltically, they have agreater influence upon his heart and af- felbions