Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

38 The Evil of Ezils, cr the miliation for fin will more abide upon theSpirit than any other doth, many are troubled forfn, have a great deal of horror and perplexity of Spirit in tome fits,in fome moods,at Come times :. but this their trouble is but for a Oath, and it gees away, vanif eth and comes to nothing when trouble is only from the apprehenr on of danger andmiferie in it fell, I fay it.ufually va- niil'eth andcomes to nothing; why ? Becaufe whenthere comesbut any thing to makeyou to think thatthisdanger nay be in any degree o ver, or that things are not fobad as I was afraid, now the troubleprefently vanitheth upon that. In times of ficknefs, the foul apprehends it felt in danger ofperithing, I am now going, I fee my felf at the brink ofthePit; now the foul is troubled for fin, but when thedanger appea- reth to be a little over ,the trouble for fin cea- feth. But when the foul is troubled for fn as againft God, this trouble cannot but abide, though afhi&ions be gone, yet my trouble a- bide. What's the reafon many people upon their tick beds be fo troubled for fin (as they think) and cry out, Oh ! if God ever reflore them, they will never do as they have done; and yet as foon as theyarewell they fall to their fin again : here is îhereafon, Fecaufe only their danger troubled them Eut now let the foul be kindly humbled for fin as againft God, Oh I havewronged God that infniteDeitie, that in- finite glorious Fief Being ofall things; let fuch an one be in ficknefs or in health, whatfoever condition fuch an one is in, the trouble abides upon