Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sitafitlrre1 ofSin. Sg upon the fpirit, yea Prethren it abides upon the fpirit even then when the foul hath hope fin alai bepardoned, yeawhen the foul knows certain- ly fin Thal be pardoned, yet will thehumiliation Ì abide upon theheart offuck a man or woman There's a great mifiakein the world in the mat teroftrouble for fn; they think Repentance or mourningfor fin, is but one a, that ':f Once they have been troubled for fn, they n d ne ver be troubled any more. It is a d roux mifiake, for we are to know, true f g;w for tin, true repentance, is a continual a t mull abide all our lives : and it is not G, <it that time when we are afraid that Gods will not f pardon our fins, whenwe be afraid we (hall be damned for our fins, but when . me tohope that God will, yea when we now that Godhath pardonedour then it will a- bide, only working in a er manner, and it mull needs be fo if thehe t be humbled for fin thusagainít God, for fuppofe God come in and graciouf!y tell the foul, though thou haft wron- ged me, yet through the MediationofmySon,I will forgive thee; will this quiet the foul fo as it will be no more troubled and forrie for fin :. No. Now the fortow comes in another wad° : And isthis theGod I have wronged, the grad ous merciful God l havewronged, that nots ith- ftandintt all the wrong I have clone h u', than whenhe had nay foul at an advantage,and might ju' ly have feat me down to the t d ermoi Bell, and will he yet pardon though n good nefs in me? andyet will he havefLich thoughts Q. o,