Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

To the `eacler. andcan put it ()Fat an eafie rate of for row, let t Heir attainments feem never fo high in underflanding the Myfleries of the Gofpel, they never yet knew truly what it is to exalt Chrill and free Grace, for look in what meat ire we flight ° in, in the fame meafurewe flight God him= fellin his Perlons and Attrtbhtes And how can that great Gofpel Duty of wal- king humbly with God, be expreffed ? how can Chrifl be righcly lifted up and advanced in our fouls without a. right fight and fence offin ? Neverevil Ch r i fl be wonderful Chriíl, and Grace won- derful Grace, till fin be wonderful fin, and experimentally apprehended as out ofmeaiure finrul ; never till fin be lien and forrowed foras thegreatett evil,wil Chrift be teen and rejoyced in as the greateft good; were we once through- ly convincedofthe infiniteevil in fin, as containing in it theEvil of 411Evils (no- thing being anevil indeedproperly, but as it path thebitter ingredient and cur fed flingoffin in it) howwould fin be hated: