Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

To the mien, hated and fhunned more than the moff . deadlypoyfon, and fearedmore than the Devil, more thanHell it fell? feing no thing bath made and founded Hell but fin , nor made the Devil fuck a black feindbut fn ; nay,nothing is fo match a Hell, I mean aTorment, as fin it fell; nothing binds the Creature in filch chains ofmifery as when it is held in the cords of its own fin, Pro,. Ç. zz. Men look upon fin through falfe Mediums, and beleeve the reports and interpretati= ons which the worldand the flelh gives offin, and thus are. cheated to their own deftruCtion : Could we but a little lay our Ears to Hell andhear the howlings andye'iings ofthofe damned fpirics ag- gravating fin, we íhould then have a true Comment upon the Subje& in hand : Afflictions in this wold now and then awaken the conicience, revi% wing the fight and fence of fin by fome grievous pains; but one half hour in Hell, being feparated from the comfor. tableprefcnccofall good and bled{dneis will